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"Dear Mr. Vansh Raisinghania,

I am writing to inform you of my decision to leave this place. I believe it is important for you to understand the reasons behind my marriage to you. I had made a promise to my dear friend, Sejal, that I would marry the first man who proposed to me. It was her final wish, and I felt compelled to honor it. However, I never vowed to live with him. In this regard, I have not broken my promise.

Now that Sia is well, I find no reason to continue living with you or your family. To be frank, I am exhausted from the constant accusations and manipulative mind games. I urge you to move on in life, as I am certain there is someone better suited to be your wife. Someone who might tolerate your games for the sake of your wealth and power. But I am not that person. For me, self-respect is paramount. I do not believe I received the respect I deserved in your mansion.

I refuse to be confined in a gilded cage. Your wealth cannot purchase my freedom, for I am beyond price. You may consider yourself powerful, but I caution you not to underestimate the strength of an ordinary woman.

The man you sent to follow me is now behind bars for his physical harassment towards me. I must commend you on your strategy. However, I hope to never encounter someone as repugnant as you in the future.

Yours sincerely,

Ms. Riddhima"

With a sense of determination, Riddhima packed her belongings and stepped out of the imposing mansion. The fresh air she inhaled marked the dawn of a new chapter in her life. She had come to realize that life was beautiful, and no one could hinder her from living it to the fullest.

Her past was a testament to her resilience. From the moment of her birth, when she was abandoned, to the harsh realities of growing up in an orphanage, she had faced adversity head-on. The taunts of being 'illegitimate', the bullying in college, the societal pressure of being single, and the mental torment inflicted by her own husband had all been part of her journey. But she had learned to love herself and fight for her rights. God had taught her to stand alone, to be independent. She reassured herself that she was her own pillar of support. Everyone who had crossed her path had taught her a valuable lesson - the power of solitude.

She boarded a bus to the airport and took a flight back to Mussoorie. Upon arrival, she checked into a hotel, closing the door of her room behind her. Alone in the bathroom, she allowed her tears to flow freely, the shock of Sunny's deeds still fresh in her mind.

"Mamma..." she whispered, her voice echoing in the shower. She pounded the walls, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Why did you leave me alone, mamma? Why? What was my mistake?"

She had often seen children walking hand-in-hand with their mothers, a sight that filled her with longing. Today, more than ever, she yearned for the soothing touch of her mother - a woman she had never met, but always longed for. Overwhelmed by her emotions, she collapsed, the shower still running, her tears indistinguishable from the cascading water.


Vansh Raisinghania, a man known for his strategic acumen, found himself at a loss as he read the letter. 

"She's... gone," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. His gaze met Angre's, his loyal confidant, who understood the depth of his emotions.

Vansh had always been a formidable adversary, a mastermind who was always one step ahead of his enemies. But this time, he had been blindsided. His focus had been on protecting Riddhima from her enemies, so much so that he had overlooked his own. Angre could see the impact of Riddhima's departure on Vansh. It was as if he had been dealt a hundred blows at once.

"We need to find her, Angre," Vansh declared, urgency in his voice as he dashed out of the mansion. He knew Riddhima was a woman of great value, but he also knew that marriage was not a game. It was a commitment, a promise of companionship and mutual respect.

"Boss, she's in Mussoorie," Angre informed him, ending a phone call.
Vansh's resolve hardened.
"Prepare our private jet. We need to bring her back. And as for the man who dared to lay a hand on my wife, he will learn a lesson he won't forget."

With a pistol for protection and determination in his heart, Vansh boarded his private jet. "I will bring Riddhima back, no matter what it takes," he vowed to himself, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

UNKNOWN TO HER - PART 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now