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 Vansh examined the other side of the locket, which held a photograph of Riddhima. It became evident that she had been less than truthful, and Vansh's accusation confirmed this.

"The deeper the innocence she fakes, the more profound the betrayal," Vansh growled, gripping the locket firmly

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"The deeper the innocence she fakes, the more profound the betrayal," Vansh growled, gripping the locket firmly. With a quick motion, he tore the photographs inside the locket, dividing them into pieces. He placed the shattered images back together, creating a fragmented whole.

 He placed the shattered images back together, creating a fragmented whole

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"So, I was right all along. But what could be her motive for coming here?" Vansh pondered deeply as he gazed at the makeshift couple picture he had created from the torn halves.

At that moment, Angre entered the secret room of the VR mansion, his footsteps echoing in the stillness.
"Boss, are you planning to... murder her?" he asked hesitantly.

Vansh's lips curved into a smile at Angre's question.
"Not until we get our hands on the guy," he replied, his voice laced with determination.

"Yes, boss. He'll be found out very soon," Angre assured him before swiftly exiting the room, sensing the intensity of Vansh's resolve.

Vansh's mind raced with thoughts, convinced that the two of them were conspiring to deceive him and lay claim to his wealth and property. He knew all too well that money had the power to drive people to madness, to fuel their insatiable greed. It was a fundamental human tendency to always crave more, to never be satisfied with what one possessed.

"This innocent facade won't last long," he mused, a knowing smile playing on his lips.

In Vansh's mind, a girl truly in love would undoubtedly refuse to marry another man. He believed the same would hold true for Riddhima. The mastermind had devised a flawless plan, and he wasted no time in summoning Mrs. D'souza to make arrangements for an impending ceremony. Riddhima was called to Vansh's private room, her presence requested.

"Did you call for me, Mr. Raisinghania?" she asked, her voice trembling with nervousness as she stood before him.

Vansh marveled at her ability to maintain an air of innocence while speaking, finding it almost unbelievable.
"I merely wanted to inform you that we are getting married tonight," he announced, a smirk playing on his lips. He knew that if Riddhima truly loved the other man, she would refuse. And even if she agreed, he was certain there would be an ulterior motive behind her acceptance, undoubtedly related to his wealth and status.

"What? No..." Riddhima began to protest but suddenly fell silent, her mind flooded with memories of her cherished moments with her best friend, Sejal.


Sejal sat on the sofa, her hands cupping her ears, trying to block out the world around her. Her frustration had reached a boiling point, and she couldn't contain her emotions any longer. With a childlike petulance, she threw a tantrum, her voice rising with each word."Riddhima, you don't understand! It's not that complicated. You just have to get married to the first guy who wishes to marry you. It's as simple as that!"Riddhima, taken aback by her friend's outburst, pouted in response. She knew Sejal meant well, but the idea of marrying the first man who proposed seemed absurd. "But who would even want to marry me, Sejal?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.Sejal, undeterred by Riddhima's hesitation, pressed on. "Oh, come on, Riddhima! You're a catch. Any man would be lucky to have you."

Riddhima, sensing that her friend would not relent, finally conceded with a chuckle. "Fine, Sejal! I'll make you a promise. I will marry the first guy who asks me for marriage. Are you happy now?"Sejal's face lit up with a triumphant grin. "Good! Consider this my birthday gift from you, Riddhima. I won't forget this promise."

With that, Sejal flopped down on the soft mattress, a sense of satisfaction washing over her. Little did they know that this lighthearted moment would take on a profound significance in the days to come.

Just a week later, tragedy struck. Sejal, the vibrant and lively friend who had been so insistent on Riddhima's happiness, passed away suddenly. The news hit Riddhima like a thunderbolt, leaving her reeling with grief and disbelief.

As Riddhima processed her loss, she couldn't help but recall their last conversation. Sejal's words echoed in her mind, a bittersweet reminder of the bond they had shared. It dawned on Riddhima that Sejal's playful request had been more than just a passing fancy; it had been her friend's last wish.

Riddhima knew that honoring Sejal's memory meant fulfilling the promise she had made. With a heavy heart and a newfound sense of purpose, she resolved to keep her word. She would marry the first man who proposed to her, not just for her own sake, but as a tribute to the friend who had always wanted the best for her.


Riddhima's mind drifted back to the present, the weight of Sejal's final wish hanging heavily upon her. As she stood before Vansh, his unexpected proposal echoed in her ears, forcing her to confront a heart-wrenching dilemma. The choice before her was a cruel one – honor the sacred bond she shared with her departed friend or surrender to the hatred that burned within her for the man who now sought her hand in marriage.

"But why do you want to marry me?" Riddhima asked, her voice wavering with a mix of disbelief and trepidation. "I'm just a middle-class girl..."

Vansh's gaze was unwavering, his confidence unshaken.
"Class or money does not matter," he responded, his tone laced with a subtle arrogance.
"All that matters is our consent...right? From tonight, you'll be addressed as Mrs.Vanshraisinghania...and that was just for your kind information."
A smirk played upon his lips as he bent down, studying her facial expressions with a scrutinizing intensity.

Riddhima's world seemed to spin, the gravity of her predicament weighing heavily upon her. Never could she have imagined facing such a heart-wrenching dilemma, torn between the love she held for her dearest friend and the hatred that burned like an eternal flame within her for the man before her. With each passing moment, her resentment towards Vansh grew, threatening to consume her entirely.

Yet, as she wrestled with her inner turmoil, flashes of Sejal's radiant smile and the echoes of her laughter flooded Riddhima's mind, a haunting reminder of the promise she had made. Hot tears streamed down her cheeks, a physical manifestation of the emotional tempest raging within her. Drawing in a slow, steadying breath, she gently wiped away her tears, her resolve hardening like steel forged in the fires of adversity.

With a trembling voice, she lifted her gaze to meet Vansh's, her eyes shimmering with a mix of determination and resignation.

"I'm...I'm ready," she uttered, her fingers fidgeting with nervous energy.

Vansh's eyes widened, his expression a blend of surprise and intrigue.
 "Interesting...very interesting..." he mused, his voice laced with a hint of triumph.

In that moment, Riddhima's fate was sealed, bound by the unbreakable vow she had made to her dearest friend. Though her heart ached with the weight of her decision, she knew that honoring Sejal's final wish was a sacrifice she was willing to make, no matter the cost.

UNKNOWN TO HER - PART 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now