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Sejal haunted Riddhima's desperate thoughts. She felt powerless, her gaze shifting between the golden gun and the rose—a gift from her husband. But Vansh Raisinghania, the murderer she was bound to, held all the strings. Marriage, once a union of hearts, had torn hers apart, leaving her heartache to fester.

Her escape plan crystallized: force Vansh to sign the divorce papers. Freedom lay on the other side. She dialed a lawyer, arranging for the documents. Each moment spent with him twisted her insides. The lawyer promised courier delivery within two days—time she'd use to stoke Vansh's fury until he banished her forever.

"Ensure Riddhima stays put," Vansh's voice sliced through the air. "The assassin poses a threat."

Angre's report interrupted his thoughts. "Boss, it's a female assassin—for now."

"Hmm..." Vansh's mind churned, calculating moves in this deadly game. 

Despite the turmoil within his heart and mind, Vansh's expression remained impassive as he labeled her a cheat. Angre, skilled in discerning the unspoken thoughts of his employer, understood Vansh better than anyone—even beyond the perception of Vansh's own grandmother. To some, Vansh was noble; to others, he was unhinged. Yet the reality was that Vansh was a complex man with many facets still unexplored.

Angre found it impossible to fault his boss, recognizing that Vansh's accusations against Riddhima stemmed from a past marred by similar betrayals. Vansh's judgments were shaded by his experiences, a common human tendency. Nevertheless, their relationship was nascent, having only met the previous day. This raised the enigma of Riddhima's willingness to marry Vansh so hastily. Her eagerness sowed seeds of suspicion, though Mukund's revelation about the locket had shed light on some truths.

Surprisingly, Angre detected a hint of jealousy in Vansh towards Riddhima's father—an emotion quickly replaced by relief once her paternal connection was confirmed. Vansh would never acknowledge such feelings openly. Yet, the question persisted: why did Riddhima consent to the marriage? One theory posited she sought an escape from monotony and pursued Vansh's wealth—a strong lure for many. Alternatively, perhaps she yearned to fill a void of solitude in her life by marrying him. This latter motive seemed implausible, with a mere one percent likelihood, while the former—the draw of affluence—stood as the dominant, 99 percent probable motive.

A few days passed, and Riddhima received a courier. Expecting divorce papers, she gladly opened it, only to find a letter instead. To her surprise, it was from the same cop, Inspector Kabir. He had confiscated the divorce papers and replaced them with his letter.

The letter revealed startling information about Vansh's illegal activities and the government's desire to expose him. Inspector Kabir disclosed that Vansh had murdered his own fiancée, Ragini, for a crime she didn't commit. He knew the entire story, but Vansh had eliminated all evidence against him. Later, Vansh killed Mukund, an old man privy to Ragini's secret.In the letter, Inspector Kabir pleaded for Riddhima's help in his mission. He stated that she was the only one who could assist him. He instructed her to send a torch signal from the VR mansion to the opposite tower, where one of his officers would be stationed, if she was willing to cooperate.

Appealing to her sense of humanity and justice for the poor souls, Inspector Kabir implored Riddhima's aid in this critical endeavor.

The letter reminded Riddhima of a police officer who had rescued her from torture when she was very young. He had given her a toffee and said it was his duty to protect the innocent and punish the wicked. Since then, Riddhima held a deep respect for law enforcement, and Inspector Kabir seemed genuine.

Recalling the officer's kindness and her belief in justice, Riddhima grabbed a torch and sent the signal, accepting Kabir's offer. She was determined to take action against Vansh, no matter the cost, for herself and the poor souls he had tormented.

Riddhima's resolve was unwavering. She would go against Vansh at any risk, even if it meant sacrificing her own life. The inspector's plea had resonated with her, igniting a sense of duty to seek justice for the innocent victims of Vansh's cruelty.

A few hours later, Angre noticed Riddhima sneaking out. Curious, she had stumbled upon a statue of a mysterious woman in the backyard while searching for clues against Vansh. She spotted a VR ring on the statue, piquing her interest. As she moved closer, her dupatta snagged, and she turned to find Vansh holding it.

"I was just trying to leave when I accidentally found this statue," Riddhima stated, looking him in the eye. "Who is this?"

Vansh had severely punished Mrs. D'Souza the previous day for betraying him and entering a restricted area. Now, his stubborn wife had ventured into the same forbidden space. "Spying on me, huh?" he asked.

"No, I'm not," Riddhima replied, attempting to walk away. Vansh pulled her back and slid a ring onto her finger. "We didn't have our engagement, sweetheart. I'm giving you this because you're special."

Riddhima grew more suspicious as Vansh's behavior changed. He neither accused her nor mentioned the man in the locket. Something was amiss.

Later, as Vansh played the piano, Angre questioned, "I told you, boss, maybe she has another motive. Why would she sneak out?"

Doubts about Riddhima resurfaced in Vansh's mind after witnessing her torch signal. He formulated backup plans to make her reveal her intentions.

Meanwhile, Ishani cried, "I told you, bhai! I love Sunny!" as she held Sunny's hands.Vansh smirked at Sunny, aware of what would happen next.

UNKNOWN TO HER - PART 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now