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Riddhima, a woman of routine, began her day at the crack of dawn. Her morning was filled with the humdrum of household tasks before she prepared herself for work. She carefully arranged her lustrous hair into a neat bun and applied concealer to her neck, a daily ritual to hide her 'Om' tattoo. This mark, etched deep into her skin, had been a part of her since birth, a fact confirmed by her doctor. Despite the ridicule from her college friends, she bore it with grace, choosing to conceal it from the world.

Riddhima, though seemingly solitary, was a beacon of friendliness. Her college friends were her pillars of support, always there in times of need. She led a simple life, content with her lot, and was well-respected by her patients and colleagues alike. Her life was a testament to the adage, 'After the darkness, there is always light.'

She welcomed the day by opening her room windows, letting the golden rays of the sun illuminate her space. It was a symbol of hope, a fresh start to her day.

Despite her outward strength, Riddhima harbored a longing to meet her parents, to understand why they had left her alone in this vast world. She wished her friend Sejal was still alive.

Stepping out of her home, she took a deep breath of the fresh air, feeling the warmth of the welcoming atmosphere. The lush greenery around her seemed to greet her with open arms. She noticed the influx of tourists, and pride swelled within her for her beautiful hill station.

Her joy was infectious, prompting the receptionist to ask, "You seem extremely happy... is there something special?"

With a playful wink, Riddhima replied, "Living my life to the fullest!"

Unfazed by the world's criticism, Riddhima was determined to live life on her own terms. She settled into her cabin, awaiting her patients. Her assistant provided her with the details of her new patients, primarily women and children, while her male colleagues attended to the male patients.

The next patient was Ms. Sia Raisinghania, a young woman confined to a wheelchair. Riddhima gently asked for her medical history, to which Sia handed over her previous files.

"Doctor...many are saying that I'll not be able to walk it true?" Sia asked, her voice laced with worry.

Riddhima, with a reassuring smile, guided Sia through some exercises to alleviate her neck pain, all the while distracting her from her concerns.

"You'll be able to walk again..." Riddhima assured her.

"Really?" Sia asked, hope flickering in her eyes.

"'ve been treated by one of the best doctors...then why are you here?..I mean...from Mumbai to Mussoorie..."

"I came here for my art workshop...and this sudden cramp led me here...I'm actually very glad to hear that I'll be walking again..." Sia replied, relief washing over her.

Upon learning that Sia was an artist and that her brother was waiting outside, Riddhima called the receptionist to let him in. As the session ended, Sia expressed her gratitude, "Wow! My pain is gone! Thank you, doctor!" Riddhima's day had begun on a positive note, reaffirming her belief in her profession and her ability to make a difference.

UNKNOWN TO HER - PART 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now