part 28

14 1 1


Y/n's POV

I walk up the hill where we live on. I reach our house. I go inside. 

Y/n: MOM?! I'M HOME! 

No answer. I go into the bathroom and wash my hands. I soap in my hands. Suddenly the white foam turns red. I wash it off and look at my hands. There is nothing. 

??: Boo!

I turn around and grab the woman's neck. I push her down and sit on her back so she can't escape. 

Y/n: Who are you?

Woman: Your savior! 


Woman: Wake up y/n! WAKE UP! 

My head hurts and I fall down on the cold tiles. 


Her loud voice echoes through my head. 

Y/n: Stop! Please stop! Please! PLEASE! 

The voice changes.

Tom *crying*: Please y/n! Wake up! I need you! Please wake up! 

Y/n *weakly*: Tom?

I open my eyes and look at my husband's worried face. He calls a doctor and my doctor and two nurses rush inside a few seconds later. I look around. 

Y/n: Tommy? What's going on?

Tom: Don't worry! Everything's going to be alright!

After the nurses and the doctor ran several test and asked me how I am feeling, they finally leave. Tom smiles at me and won't stop kiss me. 

Tom: I'm so happy right now! 

Y/n: Me too!

Tom: I missed you! 

Y/n: Why? It's only been a few hours! 

Tom: No! Y/n, it's been 7 months! 

Y/n: What?

Tom: Y/n-

Y/n: 7 MONTHS?! 

Tom: Calm down! 

Y/n: I'm sorry, Tom! 

Tom: What? Why?

Y/n: I left you alone! 

Tom: Y/n! You could've died!

Y/n: I don't care! 

Tom: Don't say that! 

Y/n: It's the truth! 

Tom takes a deep breath. 

Tom: Show me your arms!

Y/n: Why?

Tom: Show me the scars, y/n! Show me where you cut! 

Y/n: They told you?

Tom: Why didn't you?

Y/n: I was scared!

Tom: You should've told me! 

Y/n: I'm sorry! I stopped shortly before we got together! 

Tom: No didn't! 

Y/n: I did!

Tom: Stop lying! For one time just stop lying! 

Y/n: Please don't leave me!

Tom: I would never! Especially not because of something like this! 

Y/n: Everything just fell apart, Tom! I though you cheated on me! 

Tom: Did the clinic help? 

Y/n: What do you mean?

Tom: The clinic you were in, did it help?

Y/n: You really think, they tried to help me, do you?

Tom: Of course! Didn't they?

Y/n: They treated me like shit, Tom! That was even worse than the outside world!

Tom: So it didn't help?

Y/n: Not really! To be honest, you were the one helping me! 

Tom: Really? 

Y/n: Yes.

Tom: Can you promise me something? 

Y/n: What?

Tom: You'll talk to me before you'll do something to you! 

Y/n: I'll promise! 


Three days later, Tom's car stops at our house. He helps me outside and we go inside. Suddenly a dog runs to us.

Y/n: Tessa?

Tom: I needed company and I wanted to bring her here anyways! I missed her a lot! 

Tessa stayed with Tom's parents because he was working a lot and so did I. I kneel down and start cuddling with the cute dog. She licks over my face and I giggle. 

Y/n *giggling*: Tess! 

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