Happy Independence Day Russky :0

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It's Russia and the Philippines Independence Day :0
June 12th :3
Also an update-
Finally qWq
It's pretty bad but I hope you enjoy it-
Rusger go brrrrr
Also I know Moskau is a lot more intense of a song but whenever it's sung in this oneshot it's sung a lot softer and stuff alright-
I looked at the English lyrics for the song and I feel enlightened
One of the lyrics is apparently "love tastes like caviar" and I think that is beautiful
It's summer now so hopefully I'll write more
So yay
Hope you enjoy :3

Russia stared at the calendar on their wall, June 12, his Independence Day, which also happened to count as his birthday. He sat on the couch and checked his phone, a few happy birthdays from some countries, his siblings and the allies. Speaking of the allies, their adopted son and his boyfriend was currently in their kitchen making him a 'surprise'.

Russia was quite curious what he could be making, he knew the smaller country had a pretty good baking skill curtesy of France. He stared at the doorway of their kitchen from his spot on the coach, oh a quick look won't hurt.
Russia stood up and walked quietly to the doorway

Russia stood leaned against the doorway watching Germany, who's back was to him. He was currently dumping different ingredients into a bowl to mix and Russia smiled at the image, it was so...domestic. Russia perked up as he heard a soft humming sound.

Germany hummed a tune and swayed his hips slightly. He sung quietly to himself as he worked, a habit he'd picked up from two of his dads, he smiled as he began mixing the ingredients together,

"Moskau, Moskau, Wirf die Gläser an die Wand~", Russia stared awestruck as Germany continued to sing quietly to himself, Germany had a amazing singing voice, especially when singing in his own language. Eventually Russia couldn't contain his love for the small German from afar any longer and he walked to him

Russia hugged him around the waist and set his head on top of the others, "you have a nice singing voice."
Germany jolted and set the mixing bowl down on the counter as he attempted to look up at the tall Russian, "Russia! How long have you been watching me?"

Russia moved his head so his cheek was pressed against the country's head, "few minutes", Germany blushed and looked down in embarrassment.Russia moved to kiss Germany's forehead before moving his head back to its original spot.

Germany smiled before he realized something and turned around while leaving the other country's hold, "Wait, you're not even supposed to be in here, it's a surprise!", Russia laughed as he was shooed out of the kitchen by the small German.

Russia sat on the couch as Germany finished the surprise. Once he finished he dragged Russia to their small dinning table and made him sit down in one of the chairs.

Germany brought out the surprise he made, which turned out to be a honey cake, that he looked very proud of, and set it on the table. Russia laughed as he saw it and the two countries smiled at each other.

Germany leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, "Happy Independence Day, Russland.", Russia smiled at him before looping an arm around Germany's waist to pull him closer. He pressed his lips against Germany's, who smiled and kissed back. They broke apart after a couple of seconds and each got a slice of cake.

After finishing their slices of cake, even including the overly romancing gesture of Russia feeding Germany some bites of cake, they were left standing in their living room trying figuring out what to do next.

Russia tapped his chin in thought before it finally came to him, he turned to Germany. "Why don't you sing to me? Your voice when I heard it earlier was amazing"
Germany blushed at the compliment before fiddling with his hands, "oh well I don't think I'm that good-"

Russia hugged him, "Sure you are! Why don't you sing that song you were earlier, since it's about me~", he set his head on Germany's shoulder.

Germany blushed but gave in, "...Fine, but only a small bit of it!", Russia groaned disappointedly as he pulled away from the hug, "Although don't really know how to do this-"

Russia hmmed before looking around the room they were in, after a few minutes of looking he found a square wood panel the perfect size and strength for Germany to stand on. He grabbed it and brought it back over to a confused Germany.

Russia set the wood panel on the ground, "this is your stage," he flopped onto the couch across from the piece of wood, "and I am your audience.", Germany blinked at him

Russia laughed as Germany huffed slightly, "you're a Dummkopf", Germany walked over to his 'stage' and looked at Russia, who gave him a thumbs up. He sighed and stepped onto the small platform.

He looked at Russia once more to see if he really wanted him to do this. When Russia just smiled at him he sighed and took a few breaths in to calm himself before he began singing, "Moskau, Moskau~", Russia somehow grinned even more widely than before.

Germany gave a shy smile back, "Wirf die Glässer an die Wand", Russia chuckled at the lyric remembering times he'd gotten drunk and almost done a similar thing.

Germany looked at his feet in embarrassment as he sung the next part, "Russland ist ein schönes Land", Russia grinned smugly and leaned his head on his hand.

"Ho ho ho ho ho, hey!", Germany opened his arms in opposite directions in an attempt to strike a pose before going back to his standing position.

Germany rocked on his heels slightly, yet surprising smiled as he got into the flow of singing, "Moscow, Moscow"

Russia leaned forwards with his arms over his legs and smiled as he watched Germany, "Deine Seele ist so groß "

Germany giggled slightly as he sang, "Nachts da ist der Teufel los", Russia felt like he might have a heart attack from his boyfriends adorableness and amazing voice.

Germany covered his mouth slightly as he smiled and sung the last bit of the song, "Ha ha ha ha ha, hey!!", yup Russia is definitely gonna have a heart attack-

Russia clapped and stood up as Germany finished and put his hands behind his back. Russia walked over to him and smiled, "you were absolutely amazing,", Germany blushed as he smiled and looked away shyly, "really?"

Russia hugged him, bringing him off of the stage, "yeah! One of my best independence/birthday gifts ever", Germany leaned his head against Russia's chest as his face burned yet he smiled, "shush, you're just being nice."

"Nooooo," he lifted Germany's head with his hand and gave him a peck on the lips which Germany returned, "you're very talented"

Before Germany could respond Russia lifted him off the ground. Germany squeaked at the action as Russia laughed, "and very adorable-", he began pressing kisses all over Germany's face. Germany blushed brightly and giggled, he attempted to cover his face with his hands, "Russiaaaaaa"

Russia laughed as Germany whined and laid his head on top of the smaller country's. Germany smiled and put his arms around Russia's neck, "again, happy Independence Day Russia, I hope it was nice", Russia smiled at him, "it was the best.", he leaned forward to kiss Germany, who kissed back and smiled.

Is this bad? Yes
Is it pretty bad or dumb? Yes
Do I care? No-
I wanted them to be cute for Russia's Independence Day so :3
Also if you notice that when Germany is singing he says Moskau and then the next time he says Moscow
It's cause he had to get into the flow of singing in his own language after switching from English
Which I totally did originally and it's totally not cause I realized the song name was actually spelt Moscow-
But anyway
This is pretty dumb
But I finally wrote something so yay-
Hope you liked it
Bye bye :3

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