It's Germany's unity day/birthday guys B3 and Germany is best country

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Happy birthday Germany :0
What is happening to me I'm shocked-
But yeah I'm alive and happy germany unity day guys :0
Also I finished crocheting a hat today I'm Britain apparently
I didn't do a oneshot last time just a picture but I figured since Russia got one for his birthday Germany should get one
Also this may seem like angst at first but I promise there's more to it than that ;3
I'm actually really proud of this so I hope you enjoy
Germany is cute yes
Also I don't know what normal people give each other for people's birthday so Germany's gifts are really weird and oddly specific-
Enjoy :D

Germany slowly blinked his eyes open, rolling over to get away from the bright sunlight shining in his eyes. He reached out a hand felt the spot next to him, it was empty. However he could hear some noise downstairs so didn't panic at the idea of Russia being gone from bed. He sat up slightly and tapped around on the side table before grabbing his glasses and sitting up to put them on. He blinked a few times to unblur his vision before stretching as he looked at the calendar on the back of their door.

...October 3!............OCTOBER 3RD!!
It was his unification day!! 32 years and still going strong!!!!

Germany laughed and got out of bed, running over to mark the day on the calendar before running to his closet and pulling clothes out. He quickly put on a favorite outfit of his that he'd chosen the night before; a light blue sweater, brown overalls with a pocket in front, socks with stars on them and cute sneakers.
Birthdays always made him excited since he was little and his dads started celebrating with him so he liked to dress nice for them.

He made his way down the stairs quickly and into the kitchen where Russia was cooking breakfast for them, "Good morning, милый.", Germany smiled widely at him, "Guten Morgen!". He quickly sat down and looked up at Russia expectingly and continued smiling.

Germany's smile slowly fell slightly as Russia simply continued cooking. Was he just waiting to tell him happy birthday? He knew it was a unification day instead of an Independence Day but it was still technically his birthday! Did...did Russia forget..?
Once Russia finished cooking and distributed the food the two made small conversions as they ate in their normal comfortable way although Germany felt anything but comfortable at the moment.

Russia looked like he remembered something which gave Germany some hope-
Russia shoved some more food into his mouth, "Oh yeah! The unions said we have head in today.", and hope gone. He thought Russia of all people would remember! Especially if he made Germany's favorite breakfast today.
Maybe he really did forget..."...Oh..ok..!", he gave a small smile at Russia to try to pretend he wasn't upset about it before they both cleaned up their dishes and headed to the unions building.


As soon as they had gotten there Russia had given him a quick kiss before he ran off to his siblings claiming he needed to help them with something. He sighed and made his way further into the building and towards his desk. He didn't get even halfway there before he heard running and saw Italy and Japan running towards him quickly holding...a cupcake! Did they remember what today was?

Italy panted as he finally got to Germany with Japan holding a clipboard behind him. Italy quickly handed the cupcake to Germany and smiled, "Heya Ger! There was some leftover cupcakes in our 'break room'. So we thought you'd want one!", Germany laughed as Italy did air quotes for break room, before his smile slowly fell as he looked at the cupcake in his hands. Italy had just found the cupcake and Japan seemed to be consecrated on writing on their clipboard...So, his best friends didn't remember either, huh?

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