Face your family: special addition; the parents

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Thanks DatGerman for the title
So yeah pt2 of oh frick oh blyat it's their family
But with the fAtHeRs
So yeah they're connected
You should probably be concerned but that's ok-

Russia was still holding Germany and kissing him in their kitchen, they were interrupted however, by another bright flash of light.
Russia held Germany closer to him as they both stared at the new portal worriedly.
After a couple of seconds of the portal just sitting there a large person(or Union/country whatever) fell through.
Both countries instantly recognized the ushanka and eyepatch, Soviet looked up at them from the ground confused, "Oh what the Blya-"
Soviet was cut off by another red flagged person falling out of the portal and on top of him, shoving his face back onto the ground.

Russia set Germany down as they both stood completely still, were they supposed to approach these two?
Soviet suddenly lifted his head back up and moved his leg to kick the country on top of him, "Third Reich! Get the ад(hell) off!".
Germany grabbed Russia's arm nervously as Third Reich rolled off of Soviet and kicked him back, "I didn't open the portal, Vollidiot!"(dumbass)

Soviet rolled his eyes, well eye, and stood up, "Sooooooo, uh-" He pointed towards Russia and Germany as Third Reich stood up.
Germany stared down at his shoes as Third Reich stared intensely at him, Soviet sighed, "you're freaking him out...more than normal.I know you're not used to grown him but quit" he shoved Third Reich who shoved him back.

Russia ran a hand over his face and sighed, "ok this isn't ideal at all but ok...ok", Germany rubbed his arm, "well...would you two like anything?"
Soviet made a face, "do you have anything to eat?"
Third Reich sneered, "maybe you wouldn't want anything to eat if you didn't starve your people", Soviet clenched his fists and talked through his teeth, "don't bring this up, you killed people through your existence too"

Russia cleared his throat before the two got into a physical fight, "yes we do, so why don't we eat before you two destroy each other."

Germany and Russia sat at their table, Germany stared awkwardly down at his food and Russia had a bored and done with this expression, he sat to the right of Germany.
Third Reich sat to the left of Germany and was glaring at Soviet intensely, Soviet was messing with an unopened bottle of vodka.
Germany took a small bite of his food as Soviet opened his bottle to take a large drink of it, he noticed his food was a bit bland.
"Daddy can you pass the salt?"

Third Reich lifted his arm,
"Sicher" (sure).


Soviet spit out his mouthful of vodka as Third Reich slammed back against his chair and yelled, "WAS?!?"(what)
Russia flushed and laughed nervously, he looked nervously at Third Reich.
Germany covered his blushing face with his hands as his dad started yelling out various profanities In both English and German at a nervous Russia, Soviet was laid face down on the table repeatedly slamming his fist on the table while silently wheezing.

Germany kept his deeply flushed face covered with his hands as he ran to their bathroom.
Russia nervously laughed, "I should probably go after him, uh, don't kill each other or plot to kill me-", he stood up and ran after Germany.

Germany sat in the bathroom, he was screwed, he was so SCREWED.
This was the worst way for his dad to find out, his thoughts were stopped by a knock on the door, "Hey Germany? You ok?"
Germany still had his hands on his face, so the noise he made was slightly muffled.

Russia opened the door and walked in, Germany was sitting on the closed toilet so Russia walked over and squatted next to him, he reached up to move Germany's hands off his face, he had a worried and teary eyed expression.
Russia softly rubbed the back of his hand with his thumb

"God, Russland we're so screwed! There's no way they'll except it, especially if they found out like...that!"
Russia interlocked their fingers together, "hey. hey, it'll be ok.Even if they don't like it, we're still together.Even if that was...interesting-"

Germany gave a soft smile which Russia returned, "you want to know one of the good things about not being able to tell people?"
Germany looked confused, "what?"

Russia leaned their faces closer and cupped Germany's cheek, "I get to just look at your pretty face"
Germany snickered and lighty shoved Russia's shoulder, "Gott, you're cheesy, you Dummkopf(idiot)!"
Russia laughed loudly, "well its true.You ready to go back out?"
Germany nodded and stood up with Russia as they walked out of the bathroom.

They stopped as they heard their fathers talking.
"Look even if we don't like it, there's not much we can do except deal with it."
Third Reich let out a frustrated groan at Soviet who was shoveling the rest of his food into his mouth.
Russia reached behind himself to grab Germany's hand before walking out,
"We're, uh, back"
Third Reich and Soviet gave them a weird look before the portal opened back up.

Soviet looked at it before standing up, "we think you cook good, come on"
He walked over to the portal while pulling Third behind him.
Third Reich turned around and opened his mouth to say something but was grabbed by the back of his jacket by Soviet, who had grabbed a vodka bottle.
Soviet threw Third Reich into the portal while mumbling something about being too old before also turning around to look at Russia and Germany before chugging his alcohol and flopping backwards into the portal.

Russia gave a deep sigh as the portal disappeared, Germany looked over at him before leaning up to kiss his cheek.
Russia smiled and wrapped an arm around Germany, he then leaned forwards to kiss him on the lips.
Germany rested his hands on his shoulders and melted into the kiss, Russia wrapped his arms around Germany's waist as He wrapped his arms around his neck.
The two countries pressed closely together, before having to pull back to breathe.
The breathed heavily and smiled at each other.
They rested their foreheads together and swayed slowly, still tightly holding each other.

ah yes such a mature way to explain that-
I mean I asked Insignificant_Isopod and MapleSyrupUwU if I should put it and they said yes so uH

OK SO FOR THE PASS THE SALT THING, MY COUNTRIES DON'T HAVE PEEPEES SO THEY CANT DO THE ADULT STUFFS SO NO THEY DIDN'T DO THE DIRTY-ah yes such a mature way to explain that-Woop-I mean I asked Insignificant_Isopod and MapleSyrupUwU  if I should put...

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Yes I drew it
Don't F with me, I have the power of decent art and decent writing on my side,
frick I don't know what else to put here
Hope you enjoyed! Feel free to comment I honestly really like reading your guys comments ^^
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