Germany's no good very bad day-

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Hehehhehe it is still a Rusger book B3
The fact I chose this story is kinda funny tho because I was writing one that I told DatGerman  but then I couldn't get motivation so I asked her for different ideas but THEN I found this one in my drafts and it was almost finished so I ended up finishing this-
Also thanks for her help with nicknames I hope you enjoy this Friendy :33
This oneshot is basically Germany has a bad day and then Russia comforts him which is peak story for me X3
This (probably) originally inspired by me having bad days and just wanting to pass out when I got home-
So yeah >:3
Hopefully this is up to your Rusger standards and there's enough Rusger for you-
Enjoy and tell me what you think :3

Germany was not having a good day.

It had started before he even had to go to work. He'd woken up slightly later than normal, making himself more panicked as he tried to find everything he needed for the day, which in turn caused him to have a harder time finding it all. Russia had barely had time to give him a goodbye hug and kiss. Then all he had for breakfast was an apple Russia had somehow managed to slip in his bag.

He was tired too, but it was fine. He had taken a small break from working(thankful that hadn't managed to go wrong), and decided maybe if he got a nice cup of coffee his day would improve.

He walked into the room that held the coffee machine, it was like a break room but originally the unions hadn't planned it's existence. Turns out letting a large group of countries into a place without an actual break room was a bad idea. Germany listened to the conversations of the loud countries in there nervously, before walking towards the coffee machine. He walked as far away as he could from some of the countries as they were the ones who tended to be meaner to him.

He brewed the coffee and waited before pouring it into a cup. He let the coffee sit on the counter as it cooled down to a drinkable temperature. Smiling once it had, he picked it up and began walking to go back to his work. He ended up not being able to go completely around the talkative countries as more people came in the room and despite his nervousness had to walk closer to one of them.

As he was walking by, the country closest to him stuck their foot out in front of him, causing him to trip and fall forwards and land chest first on the ground. Dropping his, thankfully not hot, coffee and getting it all over the front of his sweater.
Germany made a noise and sat up on his knees, coffee running down his chest, as he fixed his messed up glasses, the countries around him laughing loudly as his face burned in embarrassment. He quickly stood up, grabbing the empty cup and tossing it in a trash can, as he ran off and to the bathroom to try to get some of the coffee out.

Germany stared out from underneath the awning, facing the dilemma that it was currently pouring down rain. He hadn't brought a jacket or umbrella, his dads had left early today, and it was too late for most other countries to be there. And to make it even worse his phone had run out of battery so he couldn't call anyone either, he'd have to walk, or more accurately, run, home.

He gripped the strap of his satchel, rubbing his thumb on one of the pins he'd put on it, as he bit his lip nervously being careful not to puncture it with his sharp teeth and stared up at the clouds.
He took a deep breath in before letting it out and beginning to run down the steps of the building, trying his best not to slip.

Germany leaned against the front door as he shut it, he was soaking and covered in rain water, and he had somehow managed to fall in a puddle on his way home. Right now he wanted nothing more than a warm hug from his boyfriend and some sleep.

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