Teen Slumber Party Not Clickbait Gone Gay-

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God I still don't know how to name Oneshots
But Hello hello everyone I am alive >:D
Yeah sorry this took so long to make it was because of a mix of my normal procrastination and I started a creative writing class where I have to write what was basically a oneshot for this book length thing in a few days more than once and it stole all my writing motivation and the end of school qMq
But I finished >:3
Also DatGerman I don't know what happened to your account at that one point Friendy but I'm glad it's back I love you
But this oneshot is teen/young adult/idk their age it's the 90s/2000s- rusger >:333
They're a little awkward with each other but still friends because they haven't realized they kinda like each other yet-
Thanks to Emo_warrior365  for suggesting an activity for them to do :3 and using their angst Oneshots to motivate me to finish this-
Hopefully this is cute and I hope you enjoy :33

Germany looked around the small room he was seated in, scanning the tables to find a certain tall country he had befriended again in the crowd.

After a few long minutes of other countries shuffling around the room he spotted the tall Russian standing off to the side facing away from him. He grinned and quickly got up from his seat and sped over, "Russland!", he waved as he ran towards the other, being careful to not run into anyone else and dodging through the crowd.

The Russian was quick to look over his shoulder at the call of his name, taking a few seconds to process who had yelled it, "Германия?", he turned his body all the way around to face the smiling German, who stopped abruptly in front of him.

Germany's smile became more nervous once the Russian's attention was on him,avoiding his gaze as he spoke, "Hi! I, uh...I wanted to ask you something...!", he rocked on the heels of his feet as he rubbed the sleeve of his sweater.

The Russian raised an eyebrow at the German's nervous behavior, "What is it?", he stuck his hands in his pockets and gave him a suspicious look. Germany gave him a nervous smile in return, pressing his hands together, "Well I asked my dads and they gave me permission so..would you like to have a sleepover? At my house?", he tried to put an innocent look on his face to prove he meant it, the Russia continuing to look at him in confusion.

Russia blinked in confusion, the statement still not processing, "A sleepover?", he'd never heard of one of those before, what do you even do? Luckily for him Germany seemed happy to explain as he gave a small smile, "Yeah! You ask if you can come over and then we hang out all night at my house and do stuff and then sleep!", the German threw his arms in the in air, grinning widely at the Russia who kept the same expression.

Russia pressed his lips together and hummed. That did seem fun, he decided, "Oh. Well I'll ask-uh..who are you supposed to ask permission from?", Germany looked as confused as the other country, he hadn't consider that either, "Usually your parents or someone older than you, I think?", he lowered his arms and shrugged, trying to give an enthusiastic smile anyway.

Russia shrugged back with a hum before he gave Germany a small smile, "Ah. Well I'm the oldest so I don't need permission!", he puffed his chest slightly out joking earning a giggle.

Germany smiled up at the Russia and giggled again, "I'll see you tonight, then?", he bounced in place when he received a firm nod, before both nations were called over by one of the unions.


Russia stood outside Germany's front door, staring at it silently. He'd decided to come in his pajamas so he wouldn't have to change, still sporting his jacket and ushanka even with the outfit change.

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