Month late ❄️christmas special❄️

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Hi I'm Puppet and I upload a Christmas special literally a month late(almost two :,0) because I procrastinate way too much
But it is here! Finally!!
Sorry for the wait qWq
I would like you to know I had to Google how different countries usually eat potatoes for no joke a single conversation in this
The curse of being a writer
Anyway like I said this is a Christmas special so it's rusger through their different Christmases(is that the plural for that?) :0, 4 apart 1 together
In order the years are 1945, 1950 something, 1989, 1991(that year and Christmas do NOT mix there is a bit of angst there) and then modern where they're happy :3
This is actually really bad but hopefully you guys enjoy it-
There's a surprise thing at the end of each section ;3
Merry very late Christmas and new year and Lunar new year too actually :0 and enjoy >:3

Christmas time, 1945

Germany looked up from his stuffed toy at the sound of the front door. He got up from his spot on the living room floor and ran towards it, stuffed animal in tow, latching onto the leg of one of his new guardians. He'd only been with them for around three months at this point but they had decided they wanted to have their first Christmas together anyway. Britain, the one who he latched onto, gave him a smile and a gentle pat on the head.

Britain was quick to open the door, putting his arms out for a hug when the county on the other side saw him, "Thank you for coming, Portugal.", the Portuguese country laughed and hugged his old friend close, "Ah it's no problem, you're my friend after all! Plus it gives me a reason to see the new filho (child) again.", he pulled away from the Union and looked at his leg, making eye contact with the small German.

Portugal stepped to the side slowly and crouched down in front of the small child, "Hello again, Germany. Merry Christmas.", Germany stepped away from Britain's leg as  the other country smiled in his direction.

He lifted the stuffed animal in front of his face nervously and whispered quietly ,"Merry Christmas, Mr Portugal..", as soon as the formality was out of his mouth he ran back to Britain and hid behind the unions leg, getting a soft pet on the head.

As Britain took Portugal towards the kitchen, Germany detached himself from the union's leg, only to run and latch himself onto France's leg instead.

The French country jumped in shock and looked down, calming once he saw the young country looking up at him, "Bonjour, mon cher. Are you excited for Christmas?", he pat Germany on the head, who gave a small shrug in response.

At Germany's shrug the French country began to frown, "Why don't you know?", he crouched in front of the German and gently grabbed one of his small hands.

He looked down at their intertwined hands before peaking up at France, "It's been a long time since I've had an actual Christmas...What if I mess up...?", he looked up at the shocked French country with a worried expression as he hugged his stuffed animal close.

France gave a sad smile and rubbed the small hand with his thumb gently, "Germany, chou, you're not gonna mess up. It's Christmas, it can go however we want...You know, we all were reading up about Christmas traditions earlier...did you know the tradition of decorating the tree comes from your country?", Germany's eyes widened before he shook his head in awe, eyes sparkling at the idea.

France chuckled at his excitement, "It did! So I say it's in your blood to have a good Christmas.", he pulled Germany close to him as they shared a smile, only to both jump as a loud beeping sounded from the kitchen.

"France, your food is done!"

The French country huffed and stood up, giving the child a comforting pat on the back, "I'll be back in a minute", France began to walk away, Germany panicking at being alone. He quickly ran around to the other side of the tree where he could hear the American mumbling.

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