Germ babey has nightmare(prepare for cringy titles everyone)

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Hi qWq
Welcome to the first part.
Hope you like it :3.

Also yes I put like way more effort into the actual nightmare than I should have-

That's all he felt, cold.
He groaned softly as he slowly lifted his body and cracked open his eyes.
He adjusted his glasses and looked around, he seemed to be in some form of basement.
Germany stood up and looked around, there wasn't anything in it, after feeling the wall behind him and floor again,he figured why he was so cold.
The wall and floor were made of cold concrete and he was still sleeping clothes, shorts and a large hoodie.
There was a single light in the room, going away from that light was a pit of darkness.
The giant pit of darkness and lack of any way out that he could see made assume he was likely dreaming.

He looked towards the darkness, it was just a dream, he didn't know when he was going to wake up so maybe he should see what was in it, it was just a dream.
He took a deep breath and hugged himself, he tried to keep himself steady as he began to walk into the darkness.

This all reminded him of a bad memory from his childhood. He had been locked in his basement by his father for, "doing something bad" and had sobbed and cried the entire time till he was let out.
He shuddered as the darkness fully engulfed him.

He kept walking, there was nothing but the darkness, it just kept going and going.
A noise sounded in front of him and he stopped.
It was silent, minus Germany's soft breathing, for a couple of seconds before a light flipped on in front of him.

Germany groaned and rubbed his eyes.After he opened them and waited for his eyes to adjust to the sudden brightness.
As they adjusted he noticed a figure sitting in the ground on its knees.
Germany slowly walked out of the darkness towards the figure before suddenly stopping,


The Empire looked up at him, his small white eyes looked dull and tired.
Germany took another step towards Reichtangle before there was a small sound.
Germany looked around before realizing the sound came from the Empire in front of him.
The sound started again, Germany took a step back as Reichtangle continued and a jagged mouth,which he had never had normally, began to rip into his face.

The Empire fell forwards onto his hands as he began to puke out a dark black liquid.
Germany gasped and slammed a hand over his mouth and kept walking backwards as Reichtangle continued to puke up the strange liquid.
Germany tripped and fell over while walking backwards and tried to crawl backwards as the Empire puked more.
Reichtangle finished and fell over onto his side, Germany stopped crawling backwards, his heart was beating extremely fast.
He saw a small moment and turned from looking at his Grandfather to the strange black liquid.

The liquid began moving upwards, forming the figure of a person.
Germany stared in shock as the person's details began to revile themselves.
Germany's eyes widened as he was shown a familiar hat and uniform, sharp toothed smile, and red arm band.
It was his dad, Third Reich.

Germany backed up as Third Reich walked towards him, he didn't get far, as the darkness behind him had become a wall.
He could see slightly behind his father and could no longer see his grandfather, He whimpered as his father got closer and closer to him.

Third Reich reached into his back pocket and pulled out a knife as he walked in front of Germany.
Tears well up in Germany's eyes as Third roughly grabbed his arm and tightly held it.

"Ich weiß alles, was du getan hast, Deutschland"(I know everything you've done, Germany).Third's voice was deep and stern,Germany sobbed as Reich tightened his grip and held the knife above his arm, "Vater, bitte!" (father, please!)
Reich laughed and began repeating Germany's name.





Germany snapped his eyes open, he was met with the face of a very concerned Russia holding his shoulders.
He was pulled towards Russia's chest, as he sat trying to figure it all out.

He had a nightmare.
He recalled all that had happened and let out a loud sob, Russia tightly hugged him,
"Германия, возлюбленная(sweetheart), you're ok"
Germany continued to sob, "I-I-Ich-", Russia quietly shushed him.
Germany tightly gripped Russia's back as he sobbed into the bigger countries chest.

He cried into his boyfriend's chest for a bit longer before he attempted to collect himself and wiped his eyes while sniffling.
Russia held his shoulders, "What happened, Germany?"

Germany looked down at his hands which were in his lap, "I-I had a d-dream....well n-nightmare", Russia lightly squeezed his shoulders reassuringly, "and m-my opa was k-kinda in it, b-but my dad was in it and h-he tried to hurt me",
Russia put his hands of Germany's cheeks as he teared up again,
"a-and it was in a really dark b-basement-"

Russia shushed Germany so he didn't start crying again, and hugged him against his chest.Germany hugged back and glanced at the clock, it read 3:15am.
He made a noise with his throat, Russia gave him a look, "let's get you something to drink or something"

Russia stood up from the bed, Germany reached back out to Russia.
Russia chuckled, "you want me to carry you?",
Germany blushed but moved his arms slightly.

Russia softly smiled and pulled Germany into his arms. He made his way downstairs holding the German, and softly sat on the couch.
Germany stood up and walked into the kitchen to get a cup of water as Russia stayed on the couch.

Germany filled up his cup and took a drink, he looked over at Russia from in the kitchen,
The Russia was leaned back into the couch with his eyes shut.
Germany felt guilt build up in his gut as he saw how tired Russia looked, he took another drink of his water, he'd woken up his boyfriend in the middle of the night because he'd had a stupid nightmare.

Germany finished his drink and sighed, he put his cup in the sink before walking out of the kitchen. Germany stood by the end of the couch, Russia was in the middle and looked like he was asleep.
Germany frowned more, before trying to curl up on the cushion next to the Russian without touching him.

"If you think you're gonna do that after you had a nightmare you're wrong."
Germany lifted his head up and saw Russia looking at him

Germany attempted to protest as Russia pulled him onto his lap but gave up.
Russia wrapped his arms around Germany and rested his head in the crook of his neck.
Russia held Germany for a couple of seconds in silence before Germany suddenly spoke, "Sorry I woke you up..."
Russia mumbled into his neck, "It's ok, милая.(sweetie) You had a nightmare."

Germany seemed unconvinced, so Russia gave a soft kiss to the side of his neck, then moved to his cheek, forehead and then softly kissed Germany on the lips.
Germany kissed back and hugged his arms around Russia.

They separated and Russia smiled at Germany, who blushed and gave a small smile back.
Russia pulled Germany back into his chest and hugged him, Germany smiled and closed his eyes.

He gave a soft sigh, he was really warm, he snuggled into his boyfriend's chest more and gave a quiet yawn.
Russia gave a small chuckle,"Are you tired,детка?"(baby)
Germany gave a small nod as Russia kissed his head then laid back on the couch.

After making sure they were both comfortable, the two countries cuddled each other and drifted off to sleep in each other's embrace.

How was that?
I hope you enjoyed it!
The next chapter is a little better than this one-
You can comment what you think ^^

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