Smöl little Germ and his ✨new adopted dads✨

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So like-
This oneshot is super hecking old-
Like back when I first posted this book old-
And I just now finished it-
So if it's a bit weird that's why X3
Also these a part about a rubber ducky in this and DatGerman  (Hewwo btw love you❤️-) I promise I didn't steal your idea that part was in there since I started this-
But this is a basic idea mostly canon to my headcanon for Germ and the allies
Because if you didn't know after Third died Germany was adopted by the three allies(America, Britain, and France) and they're his dads :3, and they are NOT RELATED, none of the three of them are related at all, or anything but friends yet
I might do more oneshots in the future with this family :3
And sorry for this not being Rusger related!
But I hope you enjoy this old dumb thing X3

Third Reich deeply exhaled as he stood outside the door, his hand hovered in front of it waiting to push it open.
The room behind the door belonged to his young son, Germany.
He didn't have much time left with the young boy did he?His defeat was drawing closer and closer as time went on.
He shook his head and softly pushed the door open.

He looked over towards the bed, at the small lump curled up under the blankets.
It was still the early hours of the morning, the sun had only just begun to come up, so it was no surprise his son was still asleep.
Third Reich walked over and sat down on the bed next to Germany, he softly smiled down at his son. He was lightly gripping a small stuffed German shepherd in his arms and was breathing softly.
He reached out to shake the small shoulder, Germany tiredly blinked and rubbed his eyes before he turned and smiled, "Oh good morning Vater!"

"Guten Morgen, Sohn"(Good morning, son), Germany reached over to the bedside table to grab his glasses and put them on, "why are we up so early?"

Third Reich stood up, "I have to do something today", Germany climbed off his bed, "Do I get to come with you?"
Third Reich grimaced as he walked towards the door, "Yes and no..."
Germany gave a nod as he when to get dressed, Third Reich walked downstairs to make him something to eat.
He started to mix up a can of soup, there wasn't much interesting food during the rationing of the war, even for a country leader, but they made due.

Third poured the soup into a bowl and let it cool down before setting it on the table, Germany hopped down the stairs, now fully dressed, and came into the kitchen.
He gave a questioning smile to his father, "I know you don't like me having her all the time," He held up his German Shepard plush, "but can I hold her at least for right now?"
Third opened his mouth to argue, which caused Germany to lower his arms and look to the side sadly. Third just sighed and nodded his head, Germany instantly brightened and ran to hug his dad's legs.Third gave a small smile and picked up the boy, before sitting down in front of the soup with Germany in his lap.

Third stirred the soup around with a spoon as Germany bounced his stuffed animal around and played with it.Third scooped some of the soup into the spoon and held it in front of Germany's mouth, who held his stuffed animal still and opened his mouth to be fed.
Third continued to feed him spoonfuls of soup, he looked down at his son before resting a hand over a bandage covering a cut on Germany's cheek,


Germany turned to smile at his father, "It's ok, you didn't mean to do it!", Third smiled and let Germany finish the rest of his food before grabbing and setting him on the ground.Germany gave a toothy smile to Third who laughed and held his son's cheeks, "Ah! Your teeth are getting sharper everyday, my sohn!"
Germany giggled happily before Third got serious,

"Ok,where we're going today we may not be able to come back so I want you to grab some of your favorite possessions and pack them into your bag, alright?", Germany gave an unsure nod before Third stood up and patted him on the head before walking off.

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