22. another one

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(trigger warnings: mentions of drugs and murder)

"Karimova," said Tara, "how are you doing?"

"I'm fine, Tara. Thank you. What'd you and Rossi find?"

"Not much. Nothing from Gazov's family,"

"Hm," I grumbled.

"How's your brother?"

"I don't know," I sighed, "haven't seen him since Hotch took him in to talk,"

"Hey." She put her hand on my shoulder. "He's here. He's safe here,"

"I know." She rubbed my shoulder and gave me a pitiful smile before going off to continue working.

I made my way to the bathroom to take a break. Emily was with Hotch, she was busy, so she sent JJ to find me. "Hey," said the blonde with a compassionate smile. "What're you doing?"

"Trying not to scream at everyone and then break down in the workplace, why?" JJ tried to smile at me before pulling me into a hug. "Did Emily send you?"

"I wanna make sure you're okay. And Emily wanted me to tell you she loves you." That put a smile on my face. "You need anything?"

"How's Dmitri?" I asked as my voice trembled. JJ took my hand and squeezed it. "Yeah, I'm shaking pretty bad," I chuckled through tears.

"Do you want me to get Emily?"

"Uh, no, no, I'm okay. Is Dmitri doing okay?"

"Yeah, I think Emily and Hotch are almost done with him,"

"Yeah," I said. I didn't know that, but at least she knew I was listening to her. "Yeah, that's good," I said, nodding. My head was somewhere else. I was barely present.

It was okay if I was in danger, I could handle myself. Don't fuck with my family, don't fuck with the people I love. Don't touch my baby brothers.

"Galina? Galina?" I snapped back to reality once JJ repeated my name a few times. "Galina, you should go home. When's the last time you slept?"

"Uh, what day is it?"


"Wednesday? Shit, I should go home, shouldn't I?"

JJ went back to talk to Emily after I left. "She sounds really...disconnected," JJ reported back. Hotch was still talking to my brother, and Emily and JJ were behind the one-way glass.

"How do you mean?" asked Emily.

"I think she's just tired and stressed, but she, yeah, I think when you see her, let her know how much you really love her. When I told her you wanted me to tell her you loved her, she looked happier than I've seen her in three days."

Was there almost a smile on Emily's face?

"I told her to go home and get some sleep. You might wanna see her when you can. She just looks broken, Emily."


I rolled over and Emily cringed. "Hi," I mumbled. I reached my hand out for her. She took it and kissed my palm. "My love,"

"Have you slept, angel?"

"What time is it?"

"Two. PM," she added quickly.

"Then no. I got home, like, half-hour ago,"

"Okay. Is it easier to sleep if I'm here with you or if I let you alone?"

"Please stay," I dry-sobbed. Emily opened her mouth, so hurt by seeing this side of me.

She had seen my bad PTSD days, my bad depression days, bad anxiety days, but she'd never seen this kind of grief. Nobody had died, that I was close with. My baby brother, though, was in grave danger, and there was nothing I could do about it. My family, the ones I really cared about like my brothers, if anyone hurt them, it was worse than hurting me.

"I'm not going anywhere, angel. Don't worry, Galya, I'm staying right here, honey. I love you."

"I love you," I mumbled. She held me against her body, allowing me to sleep in her sweet arms.

I slept until 10pm, and Emily had gone back to the office. I grabbed my phone and almost called her. But would people get suspicious of us? I called Spencer instead.

"Hi, Galina,"

"Hi, Spence. How's it going?"

"It's going alright. Did you sleep?"

"Yeah. For eight hours," I chuckled, running my fingers through my hair. "You guys need me to come in tonight?"

"Um...I'll ask Hotch, I'll call you back,"

"Can you text me? I'm gonna take a shower, I think,"

"Yeah, I will. Take care of yourself, Galya."

"Thanks, Spence. Talk to you later."

I got in the shower and just let the water fall on me for a moment of peace before I actually washed up.

When I got out, I checked my phone with texts from JJ, Hotch, Spencer, Emily, Tara, and Dmitri. They all essentially said the same thing.

Another Russian immigrant overdosed, this time in Dover.

Fifty Ways to Love You - Emily Prentiss x OCWhere stories live. Discover now