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A/n: the song is just for listening!

~the five~

Italy 1114,

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Italy 1114,

"My family and I had followed the Normans as they conquered the South. Feeding, turning people as we went." Klaus's voice over spoke as he told Stefan the story about how his family came into contact with the original five hunters.

Klaus and Elijah walk into the Town's Square as a man is on a stage with an audience surrounding him. There are several people tied up to wooden poles and staked through the chest on the stage. The man speaks to the crowd of people.

"These demons live among you. Passing as human." Alexander, one of the original five spoke as he pointed over at the dead vampires.

"But with the bloodshed came exposure." Klaus voiceover spoke again,

Klaus and Elijah stop in the middle of the square and watch what is going on. Alexander approaches a box on the stage.

"So, witness with your own eyes." Alexander says as he unlocks the box and a man steps out of the box and starts to burn.

The crowd screams in fear as the man burns to death. Alexander walks down from the stage, looking unabashed by this.

"He's putting on quite the show." Elijah tells his younger brother making Klaus simply shrug his shoulders.

"He is nothing. I could eat him for sport." Klaus told him as he kept an eye on Anastasiya who was watching the show that the hunters were putting on.

"Still you should heed the warning. Between you and Anastasiya here and Kol in the east, you have not been discreet." Elijah tells him as he then continues. "Stories of the Original vampires are spreading." Elijah told his brother making Klaus sigh.

"I welcome such infamy, but if you're worried about discretion, perhaps we should have a talk with Anastasiya." Klaus told his brother as they both turn to Anastasiya and Alexander who are standing together nearby.

Alexander kisses her hand and she smiles, they walk away together, arm in arm.

"That's it, I'm killing him." Klaus muttered and started to take a step forward but Elijah stopped him.

"We'll talk with her later, and no more killing carelessly, Niklaus." Elijah warmed his brother making him groan in annoyance but nonetheless nodded.

"So these hunters have been around for nine hundred years?" Stefan asked as Klaus nodded, Alexandra sitting besides him, going through gender fluid baby clothing. They were having twin boys.

"Apparently. Though our friend in the other room is the first we've seen since then. Kind of makes you wonder what they've been up to all these years." Klaus told him as he referred to his family, as they had not seen one of the five in a long time.

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