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A day later, Childe called you to his room, saying that it was time for a mission. You went there anxiously, thinking that the whole kissing fiasco would happen again. Thankfully, it didn't, and he simply greeted you with a smile and a friendly hello.

"We have a mission," he said, getting straight to the point. "It's an easy one, so that I can see your capabilities. Together, we'll infiltrate Wolvendom, near Mondstadt, and kill some of the wolves. It should be very easy, just get in, kill, and get out. But no matter what you do, do not get near Boreas' lair. In that ancient lair, there lives the protector of all wolves, Andrius. He will dominate you in battle. Understood?"

You placed your right fist on your left shoulder in a salute many Fatui students did to their teachers and responded, "As you wish, my teacher. I will slay many wolves tonight!"

He smiled at your enthusiasm, and said, "That's good. Get ready to go, and bring your weapon of choice. This will be fun."

You went back to your room and changed from the ball gown you usually wore into a simple forest green blouse and brown skirt. You would have preferred to wear trousers, like men, but in Snezhnaya, women wearing men's clothes were generally not accepted by anyone. They believed that women were meant to look gentle and elegant, and serve men. You laughed at the mere idea, remembering how many women you liberated from abusive men's grasp- daughters, wives, and sisters alike. Many women owed their happiness and freedom to your fast and adept blade.

That reminded you. Where had you put your sword? It had been personalized for you, and your father had given it to you as a gift the birthday before he died. You better not have lost it!

You looked for about ten minutes before you found it, shoved into the corner of your closet behind your dresses. You felt terrible for dishonoring your father's memory like this, as you considered the sword a grim reminder of your parents' death. Before you slipped it into the scabbard, you gave the jeweled hilt a gentle kiss, and whispered, "Father, please bless me with a plentiful hunt tonight."

With that, you slipped the sword into its scabbard, that was made by your mother, a simple affair of leather dyed black to match the dark blade of the sword. Then you hooked the scabbard to your belt, and headed back to Childe's room.

He hadn't bothered to change out of his formal suit and pants, he'd just slipped his quiver and bow onto his back and was stuffing as many arrows as possible into the thing before it would split open. When he saw you, he stopped playing with his arrows and asked, "Are you ready, Y/N?"

You responded in the affirmative, and he gave your hand a squeeze before you headed out, apparently thinking you needed motivation and support. You didn't need either of those things.

You believed that you would win. And your belief was enough to make it happen.


It took a while to get to Wolvendom, and the journey there was uneventful. As soon as you stepped foot onto the turf of Teyvat, however, everything changed. You were immediately swarmed by dozens of hilichurls and wolves, and the latter was not the weakest. Childe managed to take care of most of them before they even got near you- props of being an archer, you supposed- but he still left a few alive. Those few faced a grisly death by your polearm, but not before they could get a few hits on you.

You cursed as you noticed a huge bite on your upper arm, which was bleeding pretty badly, and then another bite on your thigh. The bite on your thigh wasn't bleeding that much, but it still hurt to stand, so you decided you would sit down. When you sat down on the ground- it was actually pretty much an elegant fall- Childe immediately knelt down by your side, his eyes full of concern.

"Are you hurt badly, Y/N?" he asked, poking at your bites and making you wince in pain.

"No," you responded. "But if I don't stop the bleeding, I may get a bit nauseous and lightheaded. Do you have anything to stop it with?"

He pulled a thick wad of cloth bandages out of his suit and proceeded to tie them tightly around your wounds, tying them more freely around your thigh wound because it wasn't bleeding as much and you needed to continue walking without many issues, and a tourniquet blocking your circulation would surely be a nuisance.

When he finished bandaging your wounds, he gently cupped your face in his hands and just held you there, staring deeply into your eyes with his dazzling blue ones. You opened your mouth to say something, but you closed it again, not knowing what the proper thing would be to say in that case. He gently stroked your skin, not breaking his eye contact with you, and making you feel a bit uncomfortable.

"Childe, please," you murmured, gently pushing him away from you.

He sighed, a deep, resounding, sad sigh, then got back up on his feet.

"It's time to hunt these wolves," he said, his tone of voice firm and brooking no argument. "Follow me, if you can walk."

He said those last words in a contemptuous scoff, and you rose up to your feet immediately, ignoring the immense pain that put your thigh in. If he was going to choose to act like a child, you would be the adult in this scenario and lead the party.

With a gentle laugh, you passed him, and ran into the forest.

And, it turned out, directly into the jaws of a hungry wolf.

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