Arrival in Liyue

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When you arrived in Liyue, you were immediately bombarded with questions about your foreign look and clothes. Many citizens of Liyue knew Childe already, and they were curious as to why he was traveling with a companion who looked to be the exact opposite of him- while he seemed well-off and cheerful, you seemed to be poor and distant, even cold. You were a little afraid of the attention, and Childe noticed this and pulled you away from the busy ports with haste.

He took you to a small restaurant called Wanmin Restaurant and ordered an addicting dish called Chicken Mushroom Skewers. They were small, but they were quite sumptuous, and eating only three of the small skewers filled you up. Childe had an astonishingly speedy metabolism, and managed to consume six of the skewers, but he didn't look too comfortable afterwards.

Next stop was to your new house, near to Wanwen Bookhouse. You climbed up two flights of stairs, then paused in front of a finely decorated set of double doors. A key was hanging on the wall next to them, and you took the key and unlocked the doors to your new home, beckoning Childe to follow you inside.

Your home only had one floor, so it was more like an apartment, but you didn't mind. It was less complicated and more cozier that way. The layout was as follows (oml buckle up because I cannot describe house layouts): two bedroom doors on either side of the house, directly across from each main door, a small kitchenette perched on the far north side of the home, a living room area in the center, with two comfortable looking cushioned chairs surrounding a gleaming, well polished pine wood coffee table, and a door to what you assumed was the bathroom near to the kitchenette.

The carpet under your feet had a scene of Rex Lapis and all the other adepti gathered around a long table, with papers you assumed were contracts scattered along the table's surface. Based on the smell of the threads and the soft feeling under your bare feet, you inferred that the carpet was rather new, and had just been put down onto the floor that day. The floor itself was a strange amber-colored hardwood- perhaps the color had been placed on along with the varnish, you didn't think any wood here was amber colored- and it too looked as new as the table and the carpet. Everything in this home screamed new and fine, and you loved it.

"Childe, what do you think? There are two bedrooms as well. I think one's for a guest, but you can take that one and live with me!" you exclaimed.

When you heard no response, you were concerned, and turned around to see Childe rummaging through the cupboards in the kitchenette, humming a classical Snezhnayan tune as he did so. You went over to see what he was doing, and saw that he'd opened up all the cupboards and was proceeding to awkwardly smash his long legs and arms against them.

"There's not enough space to move here," you told him. "If you want to get out, close the cupboards."

"No... I'm looking for something," he responded. "They always leave it in the last cupboard- there!"

He flung open the last closed cupboard with a flourish, and you were shocked to see a whole basket of Liyue treats such as almond tofu, rice balls, and a strange sort of mini sandwich comprised of two pieces of a miniature flatbread, almond butter, and jam. The gift basket had a red ribbon and bow tied around it, and a note was slipped into the ribbon.

"L/N Y/N, thank you for purchasing this home! I hope it provides you as much service and comfort as it did to me! Signed, Yan Li, the previous owner."

"People are quite kind in this country," you observed, as Childe unwrapped one of the rice balls and bit into it.

"Mhm, they are," he responded with his mouth full of the sweet dessert. "These rice balls are really good. Try one!"

You reached into the basket to pull one out, but then you were scared by a loud knocking on your door. It didn't seem like the person who wanted to visit you was happy at all.

With a sigh, you dropped the wrapped rice ball back into the basket and headed over to the door to let whoever it was in.

As soon as you opened the door, you saw the flash of a blade catching the sun. You slammed it closed again, but the knife had already been thrown and caught you right in the chest, next to your heart.

As pain filled your body and blood poured rapidly from the wound, you dimly heard Childe crying out in anger and sadness in the background. You didn't know why you were losing consciousness so quickly. After all, you had just been stabbed by a knife, not shot by an arrow or anything. It scared you, and you tried your best to stay awake and conscious, afraid that if you lost consciousness, it would be the end for you.

Sadly, as much as you tried, you just couldn't keep your eyes open. You lost consciousness quickly, with Childe's last words ringing in your ears.

"Stay with me, my love! Don't lose consciousness yet!"

Sorry, darling, you thought. I'm too weak to try harder....

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