How to Explain...

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You fought with all your strength, as did Childe and Scaramouche, and you managed to wound Andrius and draw him away from you, making him run away into the forest. But in the process, Scaramouche was wounded, and he fell down to the ground, unconscious. Both you and Childe had noticed it, but were too busy fighting to help at that moment. By the time you had finished the battle and had time to help him, it was too late.

He was already dead.

"Oh, Balladeer!" you sobbed. "If only we had gotten to you sooner!"

Childe fell to his knees next to you, a shocked expression on his face, and felt for Scaramouche's pulse. When he felt that there was none, he drew back with a gasp, and started blinking quite violently.

"I see..." he said, his tone not even betraying a bit of emotion. "He's dead. How will we explain this to the Tsaritsa?"

At the mere mention of your mistress' name, the temperature seemed to get colder, and goosebumps rose up on your arms. You quit your crying and substituted whinging for wisdom, thinking of the many ways you could explain this.

"We can just tell her that he died in combat. That's what happened, after all," you said.

"She won't swallow that. She probably told him to come take over the mission from us. If she sees him dead, she'll most likely assume that we killed him to keep our mission," Childe said, sounding a bit pessimistic but making a good point.

"Well then what should we do? If she doesn't accept the truth, the only other option is to lie," you mused.

"No!" Childe yelled immediately, scaring you a bit. "She sees through lies easily. We'd both get our positions stripped from us in the best case. I don't want to think what would happen in the worst case. The only solution is to hide the body and pretend that he's on mission, then come back, bring his body back, and say that we found his body when we came to check for him and that he showed signs of claw wounds, probably from Andrius. It's a messy job, but it's the only way I can guarantee will work."

You raised an eyebrow at Childe's belief in himself, but you accepted his plan, and got right on to helping him. He used his water daggers to make the earth more easy to dig, then you used your sword to dig a hole the size of Scaramouche's body in the ground, burying him up and covering the hole again. Then he made the surrounding ground wet, so the grave didn't look suspicious.

"Usually I would put flowers on a grave," you commented, "but this grave is supposed to be hidden, so no flowers. I only hope Balladeer will accept it."

Childe took your hand in his and gave it a gentle kiss and a squeeze.

"Scaramouche may be cruel, but he will accept any grave. Trust me. Also, I know that this is hard for you. I'm so sorry you had to experience this."

You scoffed and pretended to be strong, even when, inside, you were hurting. It wouldn't do for you to show your weakness to anyone, even someone who accepted it and loved you regardless.

"It's not too bad," you said. "Come, let's go back to Snezhnaya. We have a death to cover up."

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