A New Objective

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A/N- In case you were wondering, those two Latin quote things mean, 'Through hardships to the stars,' and 'Let them hate so long as they fear.' Basically, these are supposed to represent the two sides of you, how you've been through hardships but you've risen to the stars, and you're willing to do despicable things and let people hate you, as long as they fear you and remember that you are fierce.

For the third time today, you fell to your knees before the Tsaritsa, paying respect to her power. Her blue eyes were the only visible thing, behind her mask which was etched to look like a Bengal tiger. A tiger was the perfect animal for her mask, because it fit her personality. She was terrifyingly cruel and powerful, but also playful. She had been known to play with and fool around with her enemies moments before slaying them in terrible, bloody ways.

"Y/N, it is time for you to receive your title. I, for one, am proud of the many lives you have taken in our service, and your unwavering loyalty to you and the throne. So I have chosen to give you the honor of not waiting to pick your title, but giving it to you immediately, without the ceremony or anything that wastes time. You may thank me now."

You bowed your head and said, "Thank you, Lady Tsaritsa. You honor me with your pride in me. I will always put everything into serving you."

"It is because of your loyalty that I have given you your title. You shall be known as Y/N L/N, the Courtier. I understand that this name is not as serious as any of the other ones, but you are truly like a courtier to me. I like you, and I don't like many people. So, do you feel honored by that title? Do you feel as if it fits you?"

You nod, although you do dislike the title. All of the other Harbingers have such elegant, lovely titles. Being known as the Courtier made it sound as if you were nothing more than a servant to the Tsaritsa, meaningless in the grand scheme of her plans. In reality, you were very meaningful to her, otherwise she wouldn't have kept you alive.

You hear a psychotic laugh from behind you and turned around to see Childe watching you. A blush crept across your cheeks, dyeing your pale skin a disgusting red, making you look like an apple. How long had he been standing there and watching you? You wondered if he had heard your title. He probably had. That was probably what he was laughing at.

"Tartaglia," the Tsaritsa called.

He snapped back to formality and attention almost immediately, bowing down low with a flourish, and not even daring to meet the woman's eyes, but rather staring down at her feet to show the proper amount of respect. 

"Yes, my lady," he responded.

"You will be the Courtier's mentor. I trust you know your duties?"

"Yes, my lady," he repeated, making eye contact with you. His shining blue eyes were intriguing, and they were beautiful. You felt as if you could drown in them, as if they were a lake of refining water, brighter and hotter than any fire.

Then you snapped back to reality when you felt him fold his hand over your wrist and press it up to his lips, kissing it in such a violent way it was more like sucking on your skin and trying to slurp it down into his mouth. You were scared and felt threatened, but you craved more, so you pulled away and made him chase you. Or so you thought he would.

When you pulled away from him, he simply nodded and said, "A pleasure to be your mentor, L/N Y/N, Courtier. I will treat you very exquisitely, as you expect from you. I only ask for one thing. And that is that you obey me when I tell you that I'm doing something to protect you, alright?"

"Yes, Tartaglia," you said, bowing to him. "I shall obey you in all things, as a good servant should."

"Not a servant," he murmured in your ears, with a voice so soft and velvety it deserved to have a rich price tag. "I am simply your protector."

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