Always Together

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A/N- This takes place a few days after Teucer's death.

A few days after the fight with the Fatui agents, thanks to the help of Childe fiercely advocating for you at your trial, you were freed from the dungeon. However, you had your rank as a Fatui Harbinger stripped from you, and you were told to leave Snezhnaya and find a new place to live within the week. As much as you begged and cried, the Tsaritsa would not change her ultimatum. You would go or be killed.

You chose to live in Liyue, as it was a lovely place, and it was closer to Snezhnaya than Mondstadt and Springvale, the other locations that were your other choices. The prices for homes were pretty expensive, but you could work with it. You had lots of money saved, and if worse came to worse, you could always steal some from the Northland Bank or rob your fellow citizens. Or you could get another job. Many things were possible.

You packed your things and, today, you were planning to go. You looked out over the wintry landscape of Snezhnaya, watching as the snow fell gently and covered the ground in a soft yet cold white blanket. Children, bundled up in thick coats and scarves, were having snowball fights while worried parents called them back inside to their homes, telling them that lunch was ready, and that they should get out of the snow before they caught a cold.

You felt tears threaten to choke you, lingering in your throat like unwelcome visitors. You missed your parents and siblings. Since they had died, nobody had really cared for you. Either they pretended to care, or they just straight up hated you. That was why you became a Fatui Harbinger- to let out your anger but to also show people that hate could change people. Before your family's death, you had been a sweet, warm person, who was always willing to help people and care for others when they were hurt or needed assistance. But after you witnessed death, and lost the only people who cared for you, your sweet soul soured and your light heart got dyed dark with grief and anger. The hatred of others didn't even effect you. You hated yourself too much to let it do that.

You heard gentle footsteps walking up to your door, then pausing in the doorway. You didn't need to turn around to tell who was there. The cadence of his footsteps, the way he walked with such confidence, the soft voice you would hear when he spoke- all of those things had made their mark on your heart the moment you met him. The fresh wounds that knowledge caused festered and bled inside you now. You didn't want to turn around, because you knew you would be acknowledging that it was goodbye. That you couldn't see him anymore.

"Y/n," that familiar voice said, sounding as if it was about to crack and burst with sadness. "Please..."

You felt his hands press down onto your shoulders gently, giving you a reassuring massage even though he was trembling with tears. You turned around and buried your head in his chest, and felt the shaking motions of his body, heard the gasping and choking of his tears and pain. You knew that he didn't want to leave you, as much as you didn't want to leave him. This tore you apart, both physically and mentally. Your chest was wracked with pain, and you fell down onto your knees, feeling the world get farther and farther away as Childe whispered comforting words you refused to listen to.

"I'll always be with you. You know that I will never abandon you. I love you so much that I can't even describe it with words. That's why-"

He was sobbing too much to finish the sentence, and through your sight which was dimmed with tears, you saw him reach his hand around to his back and pull something about of the back of his suit, dropping it down on the floor in front of you. Blood was staining it, and it was slit in many small pieces. You thought, for a moment, that it was a piece of Childe's body, that he had hurt himself and was showing it to you to try and get you to stay, using that piece as a sign that he needed your help. But then you noticed what it was, and you drew back in shock.

He had taken his mask and cut it into pieces, smearing his own blood over it. This was a massive sign of disrespect to the Tsaritsa and to every single Harbinger and Fatui in her service. By defiling his mask like this, Childe had basically said that he had no pride in serving the Tsaritsa, and he refused to be known as a Fatui, much less a Harbinger, the elite servants of the Tsaritsa. By covering it with his blood, he had said that he would rather draw blood than serve such a contemptuous leader.

And by showing it to you, he was showing you that he truly cared for you.

That he would go with you not just to Liyue, but to the ends of the Earth if you wished.

And that he was with you, no matter whatever you wished to do.

You looked up into his blue eyes, and in them you saw absolute, pure, unlasting love.

With that, you knew that you were provided for. And you sobbed deeply while caressing his body, providing the love and comfort you knew he needed. You stayed together, wrapped in that embrace for what you wished would be forever.

But it wasn't. You were interrupted by the harsh voice of one of the Tsaritsa's servants, a snippety young lady named Natasha, and told that it was your time to go and that her lady had one more gift to give you.

What gifts has she given me? you asked yourself. She's only provided me with endless pain.

Childe let go of you, and whispered, "I'll be waiting for you at the dock, my love. We can embrace there once again."

He left your room, and you watched him exit the palace, your heart aching although you knew you would see him again in a matter of moments. You followed Natasha down the many long hallways, until you reached the Tsaritsa's throne. Ignoring the comments of the many servants that were milling about, comments that mainly consisted of, 'The hell did she think, taking Ajax away from us?' 'She'll never get away, I'll hurt her someday!' and 'She better show my lady the respect she deserves!' you met the Tsaritsa's eyes directly and spoke.

"It was a pleasure, my lady."

With that, you turned around on your heel and left the palace, your cloak streaming behind you.

You wouldn't accept the gift of such a corrupt woman. Gifts like that were worth nothing.

A/N- With the power of the Crash Landing on You OST (it's an amazing K-drama, I love it with all my soul) I have managed to write not only a long chapter, but a sad chapter that I think is better than the other one, and one of the greater (or greatest, even) chapters I've written on Wattpad! I know it may seem prideful to give this chapter such high praise, but hey, I'll admit that I'm proud of it. I hope you enjoyed this one. Love you! There is more to come, don't worry, it doesn't end here.

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