Shorts are called shorts for a reson.

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Walking into college after a two and a half month break felt like shit. Like literally. I couldn't see any of our friends.
'You won't be able to see you"friend" anyway.'
Oh my god. I halted in my tracks. That did not just happen.
Get over it Sam. Don't think about it. Let it go. Concentrating too hard to let my thoughts go , I didn't realise when I walked into something or more precisely someone.
There you go. Clumsy me couldn't hold it. Started before the bell for classes even rung.
"I'm extremely sorry." I say without looking up and trying to make my way around the person. As I try , I see Jenn ..laughing ! What was so funny ?
Before I could turn around , I realised someone's hands circling around my waist and the next thing I know is that I'm up in the air.
"Oh my god. You're gonna get my sub out way faster than it managed to get in." I say swatting Aaron's chest so that he can let me go.
"I don't think it'd suit my little miss popular's reputation." He says laughing as he puts me down.
"Says the boy who has the girls running behind him , everywhere." I say smirking at him.
"We sure don't want to talk about the creeps that follow you guys , now do we ?" He said as we started walking again.
"Let's forget that. Did any of you change any classes this semester?" I ask as we walk to the classroom where Aaron and I have psychology.
"Yeah I did. I dropped science and took cooking." Jenn says taking her seat beside me and Aaron takes the one on the other side.
Jenna sat with us till our teacher made his way in.
"You know you can't cook right ? The last thing we want is for you to set the place on fire." Aaron says while texting on his phone. I reach out for his phone only to find that he scooted it away from me.
"Ar ?" I ask puzzled.
"Oh so something's going on with you." Jenn says scooting closer so she can hear what he has to say.
" .. it's nothing. Really. I'm just talking to Phil and he has embarrassing pictures of me and he wants me to do something instead." He says.
"Mhmm. Alright." I decide to drop the subject. Even if it wasn't that he'd tell us when he was ready.
He looked at me like I'd grown another head.
"Day to be noted in history. Miss Samaira Bradford let me ,Aaron Samuels off the hook." He said amused.
"Oh puh-lease Samuels , get a life. You were never on the hook. We," I said moving my finger between us," are nothing." I deadpanned.
"And there she's angry at me now." He says pouting.
I ignore him and get back to my work.
"Jeez , you guys. The tensions so thick that I could cut it with a butter knife." Jenn says laughing lightly.
"There is NO tension." I say throwing my hands in the air. Before anyone can make a move , I get up from my seat , pick up my book and go and sit at the back.
Why'd you that ?
There ! My inner voice. You lovely voice go fuck yourself. And stop asking me questions.
Clearing of a throat made me realise , there was someone standing there.
"I don't want to talk to you." I said through clenched teeth.
"Sam. You can't be doing this. What are you , eight ?" Aaron said taking a seat next to me.
I got up and just as I was about to leave ,his hand wrapped around my wrist.
"Let go Samuels." I hissed at him.
"I'm not going to , Sam." He said clearly amused.
"Aaron just let go please." I didn't want to talk to him.
"Just sit. Please. Sam."
I sit in my seat and slump my shoulders down. Why had I done what I had ? I had no idea. Not a single clue.
"So..." Aaron says loosening his grip on my hand but not leaving it.
"So what ? Aaron just say what you want. and say it fast." I say.
"Well .. what I have to say can't be said fast , so I'm seeing you after lunch , wherever you want." He says.
"Jeez , don't tell me you want to take my permission before killing me." I say exhaling.
"I daren't even dream of that." He chuckles. "So are you gonna come back now or not ?"
"As if my saying no is going to help." I pick up my books and walk to our table again.
"Where's Jenn ?" I look at Aaron and he's smiling. "Creep. You look like a creep when you smile like that. " I say covering my eyes.
"And you're a creep too. Mind if I ask you a question ?"
"Call me whatever you want. Sure , go ahead." I say as I rest my head on my palm.
"Why are clothes shorter than ever today ?" Aaron asks looking at my legs.
I quirk up an eyebrow , "Seriously Samuels ? Get a life and stopping fussing over my clothes and the shirt is not short at all. And the shorts. Well , they're called shorts for a reason , right ?" I shake my head.
"I don't like the way the guys are looking at you."
"Aar-" I'm stopped mid sentence by the greeting of our teacher.
"Morning all of you."
A dead morning was mumbled back at him.
"Am I teaching kids or am I teaching zombies ?" He says.
"Don't tell me you're actually teaching us." Someone mumbled from the back of the class.
"Hell yeah , I am teaching you."
"Come on Mr. K. Don't torture us." I say smiling sweetly at him.
"Ok ok. Because my A* student is requesting me. I'll let you be today."
"Thanks Mr.K." I say as sweetly as I can.
"Can you at least spare the old man ?" Aaron asks.
"I didn't even do anything." I smile at him.
"Didn't even do anything , my ass." He says.
"Come on Aaron , don't tell me you think I'd hit on someone like him. And it's this little something I have. It's called CHARM." I bat my eyelashes at him.
"Don't bat'em so hard that they fall off. It'd be really awkward to have a friend without eyelashes.and I'm glad you're back to my first name. Megan you say Samuels it scares me."He chuckles.
"Shut up Aaron. You have some tendency to crap. So I have all periods free up until the last period which I have with the greatest English teacher in the world. and considering that you're always stalking me and that we have the same schedule I'm guessing we can go out and get something good to eat ?"
"Well me stalking you is likely to happen in your dreams. But the fact that our schedule is the same , I'd be happy to oblige and join you on our little 'outing'."
"Yeah ?"
"Shut up."
"You wish."
"I really do. Let's go."
"Kelly's given us the period off , what makes you think he'll let us walk out ?"
"This," I say motioning towards myself,"will. Just watch."
We walk over to Mr. K. , Holding Aaron's hand and clutching the other one to my stomach and faking a pained expression.
"Mr.K , would you m-mind if I had Aaron take me to my doctor's ? I can't bear t-the pain. And I-I wouldn't be a-able to d-drive."
Mr.K 's face is covered with worry. "Samuels take her fast. Take care young lady." He tells me as we begin to walk out.
"Samuels , be a man and just carry her already." He says nonchalantly.
In a fraction of a second , I'm resting against Aaron's chest , one of his hands under my legs and one on my back.
As we get a little away from the class I look at him and say , " Aaron you can put me down."
He just looks at me ," yeah you are heavy but I guess it's fine."
I seat him on the chest but he still doesn't put me down.
"Put. Me. Down." I say calmly.
"What makes you think that I would ?"
I bury my face in his chest as we approach the now full hallways. Luckily I don't have to see anyone stare at us, which I bet everyone's doing. In sometime were out in the parking lot.
"We're going my car right ?" I ask him in an attempt to get him to put me down but I fail.
"No we're not. We're going in mine. And don't ask me if you get to drive because I wouldn't let you." He smirks.
"Can you pull out my keys from my back pocket , Sam ?"
"You cocky asshole. don't drop me." I say as I hold his shirt with my left hand and put my right around his waist to dig into his pocket. time for revenge.
I poke the key in his thigh in purpose then his back and the his arm.
"Yeah ?" I ask innocently.
"Nothing." He smirks , his eyes filled with amusement.
We reach his car and he puts me in the passenger seat and goes to the other side to get into the driver's seat.
"Let me just text Jenn." I say pulling my phone out .
"I already did that." He informed me while pulling out from the parking lot.
"Oh." Was all I said.
"I'm still waiting for an answer. Why are your shorts so short Sam ?" He asks , his whole body tensing.
"I'm sorry , dad. I just bought the ones I liked , I didn't get it altered and they're called shorts for a reason!" I said rolling my eyes.
"Yeah your usual answer. Any guesses where we're going ?" He asks.
"You never cease to amaze me so go ahead."
"Well the surprise is up after lunch. Now we just head to Starbucks." He says smiling to himself.

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