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As we approach the gate to go in, we realize Jace and Sydney already got their bracelets and went in. Mainly because we can see between the bars, and I try to keep my attention off them being all lovey dovey.
Stop it, Addison. You don't even know that he liked you.
What are you saying?? Of course he did. Otherwise he wouldn't have done all that stuff.
Shut up, that's probably just how he is.

I blink a couple times to clear my head of my thoughts, as the people in line in front of us get their bracelets to go in.

"Next!" The ticket booth attendant calls out.

"I'll pay for her bracelet, shoo, and tell those two to get a room." She says, biting her tongue as to not let them hear her mouth off.

Shaun just chuckles and walks forward, pulling out some cash from his wallet.

   Once I'm sure he won't be able to hear me anymore, I sigh and turn towards Jennifer.

   "Trust me, I know. I was just getting him out of our hair." She teases, then glances towards Jace and Sydney.

    "I was starting to think he liked me," I say quiet enough so Shaun doesn't hear, looking down as I start picking at my cuticles - a bad habit I developed once my nails got too short to bite.

    "Next!" The ticket lady calls out as Shaun walks through the gates.

    Jennifer and I step forward and I immediately get hit with the smells of the fair.
    Mainly a bunch of food - which all smells so good.

"Two please!" Jennifer chirps excitedly.
While I'm standing pretty much right beside Jennifer, I can still see Jace and Sydney out of my
peripheral vision.
Somehow though, I can tell she's trying to flaunt him in front of me to get a reaction.

Sorry, girl. Not gonna get a rise out of me. You're making a fool of yourself.

I roll my eyes, mainly just annoyed that Jace knew exactly what he was doing, up until Sydney appeared that night, and interrupted our conversation.
"Here, let me help you put yours on," Jennifer says, finishing putting hers on with her tongue sticking out slightly as she focuses.

She puts mine around my wrist, making sure it's not too tight, but also not loose enough to fall off.
"Thanks," I say, smiling as we walk through the gate and towards Shaun, Jace and Sydney - who of course is still right next to him like they're handcuffed together or some shit.

"So what do you guys want to go on first?" Shaun asks as we all group up.

"Tilt a whirl,"

"Rollercoaster." Jennifer says, not missing a beat, with her arms folded as she stares down the starstruck lovebirds.
"We all agree? Good, let's go," she continues, grabbing my hand and turning and walking.

I chuckle lightly at the others confusion, but understand what Jennifer's up to.
Everyone trails behind us as Jennifer leads us up to a really tall rollercoaster that has water at the bottom as well as a couple loops.
"Wow that looks like a rush," I breathe as I watch one of the rollercoaster trains go around the double loops.

"It's my favorite ride here," she responds excitedly.
"Someone's not happy about it though," Jennifer says, lowering her voice and leaning towards me so I can hear her.

I tune in to what they're saying behind me, and hear Sydney doing nothing but complaining.

"Do we have to go on this babe? It looks scary. Plus I'm afraid of heights and get sick easily."

"Well, whenever we all go to the fair we go on the first two rides all together then we can do whatever we want until it's time to meet back up. It's more fun that way, mainly to try new things but Jennifer always wants to go on this one," Jace explains, which gets a groan from Sydney.

"Can't we just sit this one out? I don't want to be in the same car as.. them anyways. They're kind of annoying." She scoffs.

"Don't talk about them like that please. It's just this one then it's whatever we want to do." He retorts.

Shaun is standing directly behind me and Jennifer, I noticed, and in front of Jace and Sydney. He's just rubbing his face, his eyebrows slightly raised, knowing the two don't think he can hear them over the sound of all the fair sounds.

I chuckle lightly, and gesture for Jennifer to see the face Shaun's making, in which she snorts and chuckles to as well.
I don't blame him though. The two are giving me a minor headache at this point, just going back and forth on how she doesn't want to and how he wants her to just go on this one big ride.

"Fine." She huffs, folding her arms over her chest. "Not like I'll enjoy it though." She tries to mumble under her breath but I still catch what she's saying and glance back, shooting Jace a nasty look.
   He may not be the one saying all of that, but he's basically enabling what she's saying.

   Oh well. I'm not gonna let them ruin what's supposed to be a fun first trip to the fair.

   As we walk up, a train full of people pulls up and stops so they can all get out. Then I realize nobody's in line ahead of us.

   This is gonna be fun.

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