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     About a half an hour later, Shaun gets up and heads towards my door.
     "If you need someone, just let us know. We're here for you." He says over his shoulder as he pulls the door open.

     "Thank you again," I weakly call out, my throat sore from crying so hard.

     He flashes a quick smile at me in return before shutting the door. Moments later, I hear his door shut.

     What time is it..?

     I roll over and look at the clock.

     Ugh.. 10:30.

     I sit up slowly, until I rest my back on my headboard, staring at the wall across from where I'm sitting.

     They're eventually going to get tired of me.

     I hear a couple knocks on the door, interrupting my thoughts.

     "Addison, can I come in?" Jace calls through the door.

     "Y-yeah," I respond, pulling my blanket up, using it as something for comfort. 
     He opens the door and slides in before shutting it behind him.
"I didn't wanna overwhelm you, since Shaun was already in here.." he says quietly, walking over to sit on the edge of my bed.

     I look down and try to remember what happened earlier.

     "Hey, try not to think about what happened earlier." Jace says as he looks over at me.

     I nod lightly, but can't help it as I remember.

"It's okay, cutie."

"Excuse me?"

My cheeks heat up as I remember everything.
"God, I'm so sorry," I sigh, running a hand through my hair.

"Hey," Jace says, moving slightly closer to me.
"It's okay. Shaun let it go because you were pretty baked. You were also pretty stumbly," he chuckles, teasing me a bit.

I laugh a bit as well, and look back up at him slightly.

"There's a smile," he says, a gentle smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

I smile a bit and brush my hair out of my face, looking back down slightly.
"Thank you again for helping me upstairs," I say softly as I fidget with my hands.

"Of course," Jace responds, smiling lightly.
"I'm gonna let you get some rest. I'll be in my room if you need me." He says as he stands up.

I nod lightly and wave as he leaves.

I sorta wish he wouldn't go - oh well. I can't catch feelings for anyone here.. right?
I mean, Addison knows that I have a minor crush on Jace - which I hope she didn't tell anyone about.

   I sigh heavily before standing up and slipping on my shoes.
Maybe a little fresh air would help me feel better..

I open my door slightly, just enough for me to slip through, and shut it as quietly as possible in order not to disturb anyone.
As I walk up to the top of the stairs, I can hear voices from the kitchen - I can't make out what they're saying very well, but it sounds like three people arguing.

I sneak down the stairs and stop once I'm halfway down so I can hear them.

"If that's really what you think, you can get the hell out of my house, Karl." Shaun says, his voice practically booming as he says it.

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