
33 0 6

     Trigger warning!
Domestic Violence
Physical abuse
Emotional abuse

I look up at Shaun for a moment, wide eyed.

     "Jace," Shaun says, looking him in the eyes.

     "Hey man, I was helping her to her room. She's pretty baked, so she needs to lay down." Jace says, defending himself.

     Shaun narrows his eyes at him, then looks at me and scans my eyes.
     "Fine. But come right back down." He says before stepping outside and walking to his chair.

     I look back at Jennifer, who gives me the I'll talk to him look.

     "I'm sorry," I say, bowing my head as we step inside, Jace shutting the door behind us.

     "It's okay. Just, keep the rule Shaun set in place. It goes for him too," Jace sighs, and looks down.
      "He caught feelings for someone once. And then she started stealing and.. since then, he has a rule. No catching feelings for anyone he brings back."

     I nod lightly.
Did she get kicked out..? I'd never steal from them, but I understand where the rule comes from.
     "How long ago was that?" I ask as we walk through the kitchen.

"That was a while ago. Maybe like two or three years," he says as we come up to the stairs.

I step onto the first one, but trip on the second one.

"Hey- careful!" Jace says, catching me, again before I fall.

"Ah- th-thank you," I stutter, looking up at him.
Why do your eyes have to be so gorgeous.

"I'll just carry you up," Jace sighs as he scoops me up and continues up the stairs.

I put my hands on his shoulders, which feels natural with how he's carrying me, until we get to the top and he sets me on my feet.

"No more falling," he chuckles as he leads me to my room and opens the door.

I laugh softly and walk into my room and flop into my bed, my face hitting the pillow.

"Get some rest, we'll be outside or something if you need us." Jace says as he backs out of my room.

"Jace?" I call just before he shuts the door.

"Hmm?" He hums, popping his head back in, his eyebrows raised.

"Thank you," I say, smiling as I pull the blanket over my body.

"You're welcome." Jace responds, smiling lightly before shutting the door.

I sigh and flip over onto my side and close my eyes, sleep taking over my body.

"Dad..?" I whimper as I walk up to him, drunk and passed out on the couch.

"Dad, wake up," I say, shaking his shoulder lightly.
I know it's a bad idea, but I'm worried about him. He drank more than usual.

"Huh?" He says as he wakes up, his eyes squinted.
"Addison how much do I have to tell you not to wake me up?!" He yells, his voice booming through the room as he gets up, towering over me.

I fall back in shock, my eyes wide and tears begin to form.

"You fucking bitch," he growls as he yanks me to my feet by my hair.

"Dad, stop! I'm sorry! You were passed out- and- and," he interrupts me by slapping me across the face before putting a hand around my throat, immediately cutting off my airway.

I begin gasping for air and claw at his hand, trying to rip it away.

"I don't care! I'd rather be dead from drinking too much than deal with the kid that killed my wife another moment!" He yells back, his eyes filled with hatred, spit splattering onto my face as he screams.

It's all I can do to keep from crying. Who knows what he'll do if I start.

"Maybe this'll teach you," he says, punching me in the gut and throwing me on the floor before taking his belt off and shoving my shirt up.

"No, please! Stop!!" I scream, trying to escape.
As always, he's sat on my legs and begins going at my back with the metal part of his belt.

With each lashing, a cry escapes my lips, and I wiggle a little more. I know it won't help, it'll only make things worse, but I have to try.

Soon, I have welts all over my body, some of them bleeding.

I curl up into fetal position as he stands up, and then kicks me in the lower back, causing me to cry out.

"You're pathetic." He says, kicking me again before spitting on me, then turning and stumbling drunkly up the stairs.

I continue crying, just laying there, my whole body stinging and sore.

"Addison, wake up! Come on, wake up!"

I wake up gasping and sitting up, my hand immediately going up to my throat.

The familiar lump in my throat forms quickly, and tears immediately start falling.

"Hey, it's okay, come here."
I look up to see Shaun sitting there, his arms open, inviting me to a hug.

My body trembling, I sniff and wipe my cheeks although it doesn't help. They just immediately get soaked again.

"I'm sorry," I sob as I throw myself into a hug, burying my face in his chest.

"Hey, hey don't be sorry. Whatever happened isn't your fault. We're all here for you if you need someone." Shaun coos, petting my hair as he sits back against my headboard.

I continue crying, just letting it out as Shaun pets my hair with one hand, his other placed on my mid back.

"It's okay.. I'm here. You're safe." He whispers, his hand stopping at the back of my head, holding my head to his shoulder as I cry.

"Is she o- oh, nevermind," I hear Jennifer enter the room but quickly leave, shutting the door quietly as she does.

A few minutes later, my sobs turn into hiccups and I'm wiping my eyes with the back of my hand.

"Hey," he says, lowering his head, trying to meet my eyes with his.

I look down, not wanting him to see how ugly I probably look.

My eyes burn from the tears. I probably look horrible. Fuck.

"Do you wanna talk about what happened?" He asks softly, proceeding to stroke my hair again.

I shake my head lightly.

It's not something I ever want anyone to know.
I know it's bad to keep secrets but.. this one isn't so bad about keeping, right?
I mean...
He's already locked up.

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