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     "So tell me," Jennifer says as she starts driving down the road.
"Do you like.. like anyone?" She asks.

    I think back to the first person I thought I loved.
That was back in high school. I was young, naive, and thought I knew what love meant.

     It was a toxic relationship. He would say all my fears were irrational, and would constantly get upset with me for not having a phone, as if I could help it.

     "Uh.. well," I say, my mind snapping from my high school love to Jace, and my face turns red.

     "Oh my god, who?! You have to tell me." She says excitedly, coming up to a stop sign.

     "Promise you won't tell anyone?" I ask softly, looking over at her shyly.

     "I cross my heart." She says, literally crossing her heart with her finger before sticking out a pinky.
"And pinky promise." She says as I wrap my pinky around hers.

     "Okay.. I don't know if I would call it a crush," I mumble, looking at my hands as I fidget.
"But I think Jace is pretty cute," I say quickly, looking out the window.

     "Oh my god!" Jennifer squeals.
"Jace has been single for years. He won't look at a single girl. Girl, you should see the way he looks at you when you're not looking." She says as she pulls into a parking lot.

     "Huh? What do you mean?" I ask, looking over at her with my eyebrows slightly furrowed.

     "He thinks you're hot. He's totally always making goo goo eyes at you," she laughs.

     "What?! No he's not!" I say, not believing her, my eyes going wide.

     If she's telling the truth, does that mean.. maybe he likes me?

     "Yes he totally does! Shaun always smacks his shoulder when he realizes," Jennifer snickers.

     I sit silently, almost in shock with what she just told me.

      He thinks I'm hot? I mean. I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment-

     "Just, seriously, please don't tell anyone. This is my first crush and you're the only person I feel comfortable with knowing." I say, looking over at her.

     "Girl, my lips are sealed," Jennifer says, smiling as she pulls into a parking lot in front of a large ice cream shop.

     I breathe a sigh of relief through my nose and get out of the car with her, before walking up to the door.
     "Oh my god, there's so many flavors." I breathe as we walk in.
The smell of all the flavors together hits me like a train.
I swear I could get a sugar high by just standing here.

     "I know right, my favorite is the cotton candy one with Oreos and chocolate chunks." She says, her eyes lighting up.

     "Oh that sounds really good," I say as we walk up to the ice cream case.
Vanilla, chocolate, cotton candy, orange sherbet.. so many choices.

     "I'll go first so you can decide what to order," Jennifer says, smiling as she starts ordering her ice cream and what she wants.

     I'll just get a one scoop. I don't want a sugar crash.
Dad never let me have ice cream, because 'it's not good for you'.

     "Oh, sorry," I say, noticing a lady standing behind the counter waiting for me to order.

     "No worries, sweetie!" She says with a smile.
"Is this your first time here? I can walk you through it!" She says as she grabs an ice cream scoop.

     "It is," I laugh nervously, scratching the back of my neck.
"I know I'm gonna get one scoop- of vanilla, please," I say, my eyes lighting up.

     I've always loved the smell of vanilla, but have never tasted it.

     "That's my favorite flavor," she says, smiling.
She's really pretty. She has light brown hair and hazel eyes, with brown in the center.
     "Now you add toppings that we mix into the ice cream," she says, walking down the line.

     I walk down as well and look at all the different toppings.

     "Ooh," my eyes widen as I notice how big the variety is.
"I guess I'll add Oreos and Gummies," I say,  pointing to the two.

     "Good choice!" She says, smiling as she scoops some Oreo and gummies onto the ice cream she had flattened onto the iced table, before starting to mix them in.

     "Aaand, voila," she says as she places the ice cream onto the scale by the cash register.

     "That looks really good!" Jennifer chirps, sticking a spoonful of her ice cream in her mouth.

     "I know, I'm so excited to try it." I say, smiling, careful not to give away that I was never allowed to have ice cream.

    "Go ahead and pay whenever you're ready," the lady behind the counter says, smiling.

     I look down at her name tag, curious to know her name.


     Jennifer swipes her card and smiles as she puts it back in her wallet.
"Thank you!" She says sweetly as she waves, starting towards the door.

     "You're welcome! Have a good day!" Britt says, waving back with a wide smile across her face.

     I take a scoop of my ice cream and put it in my mouth.

      Holy shit.

     "Oh my god," I can't help myself from saying it out loud.
"This is so good." I say as Jennifer and I get into her car.

     "I know right," she giggles as she eats another spoonful of her ice cream.
"Just don't eat it too fast. You'll get a tummy ache," she says, looking at me as I put my third spoonful into my mouth.

     "Oh right- oww-! Brain freeze!" I say, putting my ice cream on my lap and pinching my nose.

     Jennifer laughs as she starts her car and turns on the A/C.
"That'll happen if you eat ice cream too fast," she says as she puts her ice cream cup between her legs and pulls out of the parking spot.

     I look out my window as she drives through the parking lot, proceeding to eat my ice cream but in smaller spoonfuls at a time.

This is the kind of life I always wished for. I just hope it lasts.

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