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     We're all splashing each other, screaming, laughing.

     "Okay, okay!" Jennifer shouts, turning and running out of the water.

     "Jennifer!" I shout, turning quickly and running after her.
"We retreat!" I squeal, laughing as they continue splashing as I run out.

     "Victory!" Shaun yells, laughing.

     "You guys are oversized children," Karl notes, chuckling lightly.

     "You're the grumpy grandpa," Jace teases, before splashing some water at him.

    "I am not!" He retorts, kicking water back at him.

     Jace laughs in return and pushes some wet strands of hair out of his face.

     "I kinda wanna go sit back in the sun," Jennifer says as she stands up.

     "I'll come with you," I say, getting up with her and walking up to our towels.

     Karl gets up as well, following us, Jace and Shaun also getting out of the water and walking up.

     I lay on my blanket, which is already warm from the sun and sigh as the heat warms my skin.

     "Ahh the sun feels so nice," Jennifer says as she lays down, putting her sunglasses back on.

    "Make sure I don't fall asleep," I joke, giggling a bit.

     Shaun and Jace end up laying in front of us, Jace putting his hands behind his head and closing his eyes.
    "Me too," he agrees, shifting so he's more comfortable.
"The sun feels really nice."

     I secretly look over him. His hair is still soaked, shining in the sunlight.
I wish I could see them right now, but he has beautiful blue eyes, and slight stubble which only defines his jawline.
How does he not have a girlfriend?

     He also clearly works out, his arms being slightly larger than Shaun's, and slightly more defined abs.

     I look away quickly when Shaun looks over at me.
He probably wouldn't like me drooling over Jace.

     I flip over onto my stomach, and rest my head on my forearms while sighing.

     "Thank you for today, guys. I had a lot of fun," I say, smiling, although they probably can't see.

     "Of course!" Jennifer chirps.
"I'm just happy I finally have another girl in the house! Let alone a girl that I like hanging out with," she states.

     I close my eyes, the smile on my lips still there.
My consciousness slowly gets further and further out of my reach, before I fall asleep.

     "Hey, Addison wake up."

     I wake up to Jennifer shaking me lightly.

     "Oh shit," I startled awake, sitting up quickly.
"How long was I asleep for??" I ask, afraid to look at my back in fear of being burnt.

     "Oh, not long! Just like ten minutes. The guys wanted to head inside, lets go," she says, standing up.

     I stand up as well, noticing all the guys already up with their blankets and a water each.

     I look down shyly, almost feeling as if I kept them waiting up.

     I pick up my blanket, and a water as well, and follow everyone up towards the trail just behind Jennifer.

     "Dibs on first shower!" Karl calls, running ahead of everyone.

     "Not if I beat you there!! You use up all the hot water!" Jace shouts, chasing him.

     A small smile spreads across my face, Shaun, Jennifer and I continuing to just walk at our normal pace.

     "Wanna go get ice cream in a bit? Have a bit of girl time?" Jennifer asks, smiling over at me as we come up to the backyard.

     "Oh, sure! Lemme just get changed," I say, smiling.

     I haven't had ice cream in years. Just thinking about it makes me excited.

     "You two just be careful. There's a lot of creepy guys that like to prey on girls like you." Shaun says, looking over his shoulder as we enter the house.

     "Why do you think I have mace?" Jennifer retorts.

      Shaun sighs and stops in the kitchen then turns and looks at her.
     "I know. I just worry. Not just about you, but also Addison, and even the guys. Just be safe, okay?" He asks, raising his eyebrows.

     I smile and nod.
"Of course! Oh, by the way, Shaun, my clothes are in your trunk-"

     "I'll get them," Jennifer says, walking towards the front door.

     "Wait up!" I call, walking after her at a faster pace to catch up.

     Damn me and my short legs. I'm only 5'4. 

     Jennifer opens the trunk and grabs the two shoe bags, while I grab the clothes bags.

     "Thanks for helping me," I say, smiling as we walk back towards the house after Jennifer shut the trunk.

     "No problem! Whenever I go shopping, I always need help too." She laughs.
      "I'll help you get these upstairs, too.

     I smile in return as we re enter the house, Jennifer shutting the door behind us before we start up the stairs.

     "Okay, I'm gonna go get changed," Jennifer says, smiling.
     "Meet me in the living room." She says just before leaving, shutting the door behind her when she goes.

     I sigh and begin looking through the clothes, before eventually picking out the black tube top with the sweetheart neckline, with the plaid shorts and adidas shoes.

I decide to also leave my hair up, and open the door and trot down the stairs, finding Jennifer already waiting.

She's wearing a plain black crop top, along with denim shorts.

"Why do you look so good in everything you wear?" Jennifer asks as she notices me walk up.

I laugh softly, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear.
"Same for you. You're really pretty." I compliment her in return, a smile forming on her face.

"Thank you! C'mon, lets go to Cold Stone. It's my favorite ice cream shop," she says, walking towards the front door, with a hop in her step.

I smile, following just behind her to her car.

"I've never actually been there," I mention as I walk to the passenger side.

She looks at me like a deer in the headlights.
"You've never been to Cold Stone?! Now this is an emergency," she jokes as she gets in the car.

I giggle and get in the car, admiring how cute it is on the inside.

"Ready for a tastebud explosion?" She asks, smiling over at me as she turns on the A/C.

"Yes! It's been years since I've had ice cream," I say excitedly, my eyes lighting up.

"Then let's get this show on the road," she says, grinning as she pulls her car out of the driveway.

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