1. Missing

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Day 1 - "Why are you here at four in the morning?"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Arthit wakes up, in a disheveled state, eyes sagging with dark bags, and swallowed red at the rims. His throat felt constricted, hoarse as if he was singing all night. For the very short hours, he was finally able to sleep, this sudden loud banging on the door made him incredibly displeased.

Maybe it was a drunk Bright asking him to crash at his place, or a very emotional Prem who needs advice. Either way, they were going to get an earful for destroying his little peace at dawn.

Opening the door, he saw a drenched, tan, figure. Immediately, the smell of rain and coffee wafted through them, and the dim illumination of the lights showed the man's face. It was like an instant– the moment he recognized him, he immediately felt wet arms caging around him, and uncontrollable sobs were heard from his shoulder. The man's hands were buried in his hair, and everything felt like it was crashing down.

"P'Arthit, oh my god."

He continued to sob into Arthit's shoulder, and immediately, he understood. Slowly, he led their embrace into the apartment, clowning the door behind him, while Kongpob still continued to sob in his arms. The cries of his lover triggered his tears to pool in his eyes, but he refused to let them fall, not until his boyfriend calmed down.


"P', I miss you, so, so much."

Kongpob continued to let out little hiccups, never letting go despite Arthit's form slowly growing wetter by the minute. Arthit tried to caress his back, and offer some comfort, but he remembered flashes of what had transpired the previous night.

He was crying, wet tears were dropping on his phone as his cheek was pressed on the device, "Kong, I miss you. I can't bear this anymore."

"P'Arthit, no."

It was stated in a fit of a breakdown, all of Arthit's emotions felt like a dam breaking. Things at work were getting very difficult as they had a new company partner, and he was always at the heart of it all. With this, he lacks the comfort Kongpob gives him whenever he struggles at the office. He lacks the hugs and reassurance from his lover, who was also in the midst of finishing all his requirements for the term.

"Kongpob, come back."

Of course, Arthit never meant it.

But he did mean it, probably the most honest sentence he has ever stated for the past year. He knew he shouldn't say it to him, he should never say it to him. But it was in the middle of the night, he was crying on his bed, alone, cold, and fragile.

The line turned silent, as Arthit continued to sob uncontrollably, for the first time ever, he cried on the phone. It was a quick voice call, he knew Kongpob was in his dorm, finishing a paper due at 11:59 PM, only one hour ahead from Thailand.

"P' please stop crying," came a helpless plea from his lover. Voice cracking in the middle, as he struggled with his breathing and controlled his unshed tears.

Arthit knew he shouldn't be a bother to him so he quickly sucked it up and forced himself to remain stoic, he needs to end this call now or he may never stop. This was torture for both of them, "Kong, you should finish your requirements. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

Hearing a shuffle in the background, Arthit quickly ended the call and cried, cried until he fell asleep, holding his phone tightly and wearing Kongpob's t-shirt.

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