Day 3 - Cursed Mirror

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Before you begin:
This is a crossover oneshot. There will be RPF characters, such as Krist, Singto, and their managers. And it kind of turned out to be a crackfic, lol. But this will be primarily focused on KongArt. This has been inspired by one of my favorite mutuals on Twitter, key <3 I hope you'll enjoy reading it!

There's something special about second-hand things. You never know what you're going to get, but for Kongpob, that was a risk he was willing to take. He has thoroughly discussed this with his boyfriend, who was skeptical about buying second-hand things considering the number of horror movies they've watched together about it.

He and Arthit have been dating for two years now, approaching three. And they're already living together, with Kongpob eventually moving into Arthit's apartment and finishing his application for grad school, while Arthit continues to do his job at Ocean Electric.

Kongpob decided not to pursue the job at Ocean Electric after being given an offer to go abroad, and his father was also encouraging him to do so as they were more opportunities for him there. But this was still up to discussion because he had just moved in with his boyfriend and he was sure he wouldn't be able to stand being away from him, just as he got the opportunity to wake up to him every day.

Still, Arthit was fully supporting Kongpob in pursuing his career, seeing as he was doing it too. This was stil a gray area for the both of them, and now, they spend most of their days on mundane things, work, school, and everything in between.

Now, Kongpob has pointed out that they needed a full-body mirror because the only mirror they had at the apartment was the one in the bathroom, and his boyfriend didn't really care so he said "okay" and agreed to go with him to the antique shop. Maybe this single piece of furniture can bring some excitement into their lives. And no, Kongpob was not thinking about mirror sex.

It was the eve of a boring weekend, Kongpob was randomly wiping the new second-hand full-body mirror that he recently bought from an antique store. It was plain, the rectangular mirror framed with dark brown wood, looking a little old but a little new at the same time. It was perfect.

Well, aside from the way the shop owner looked at them funnily while they were checking out the item at the cashier.

Arthit was busy folding the newly washed clothes they picked up from the laundromat, and he was positioned beside the bed, sitting on the desk chair. Kongpob could clearly see him from the mirror and he smiled, upon seeing his cute boyfriend doing a household chore.

"Cute", he mumbled. Arthit looked up and stared at him through the mirror, seeming to be confused, "What?"

"Nothing, I just think you're cute."

"Pfft," Arthit huffed, rolling his eyes while he subtly grinned and continued folding the clothes.

Kongpob subtly admired the mirror some more, while indulging himself with the view of his boyfriend, and then he noticed the small discolored portion of the wood frame just at the right side of it. Subtle, but noticeable from Kongpob's observations. He reached out his hand and rubbed on it, thinking it was just a speck of dust, and gasped once he felt that it was carved.

Rubbing it some more, the carving suddenly turned clearer, it was a beautiful carving of curves and fancy lines, not really pertaining to a coherent word or phrase. And then, it glowed.

With its glowing, the mirror suddenly got ripples, like a drop of water was placed on it, turning the vision into a distorted view of the reflection.

Kongpob inspected it slowly and tried to poke the mirror, calling out to Arthit, "P'."

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