4. Intoxicated

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[This one is dedicated to my special friend, Min. Thank you for always motivating me.]

Day 4 Prompt: "Are you drunk?"

Kongpob was never the type of person who can handle his alcohol. He has always known of this fact, and luckily, the first time he got wasted was when he was sixteen, alone in his dorm room. He was curious about what beer tasted like, and albeit he felt like vomiting after getting the first whiff, eventually, the taste was neutral to his tongue, and soon, he has already downed six bottles of beer. He woke up the next day to a drunk text to his best friend and a raging headache on the back of his head.

Needless to say, he was absolutely in danger if he gets drunk again, especially with the number of people he has in his life.

He listened to his friends talk about their latest endeavors with their work, Oak's rising fame in his streaming, Prae getting promoted in her company for being the top presenter in their engineering scheme, M talking about the new job he got in the corporation just beside Prae's building, Maprang being jealous over everybody's relationships, while also boasting about the raise she got from her boss the other day due to her diligence at work, May telling about how she trained a new batch today for the new interns at her office, and Tew talking about the amazing breakthrough they got in developing their new product launch.

You could safely say that their gang was a successful bunch, which is why they all allotted their free time for this night, as they hung out at their usual resto-bar to drink away their victories.

"Hey, Maprang, how were you able to get that raise? My boss definitely would never give us a raise randomly," M scrunched his nose as he thought about his boss.

"Considering that you're just new in your company, it will be pretty difficult. My boss gave me a raise because I was just being my charming self, I always manage to capture the hearts of the people around me," Maprang stuck up her nose and winked, causing everyone to laugh. No one denied her, yet no one also agreed to her.

Oak snorted, "You? Charm people? I'll believe it when I see it," and then a small carton of tissue was thrown at his head, "Hey!"

"You see that, Oak?" Maprang pointed above, at nothing, actually, "that's how much I care about your opinion."

"We're all adults now and you're still sending jabs at her," Tew quipped, passing the newly opened beer bottle at May who was reaching over the table.

Kongpob chuckled at his friends' antics, a little amazed at how they were able to maintain their friendship throughout the years, even after his internship abroad, even after Wad left the country.

"Hey guys, have you heard anything from Wad?" Kongpob asked them, because the last time he has heard from him, he was going around Canada, after acquiring a graduate scholarship from one of its universities. He also remembered him saying something about meeting an old friend while he was outside.

"Well, I talked to Wad last week and he said that he met P'Prem in Ontario," Tew sipped beer from his glass, groaning at its metallic taste.

"P'Prem? You mean, the P'Prem? Like the vicious hazer when we were freshmen?" Oak asked, almost choking on his spit.

"It's bound to happen anyway, you know P'Prem and Wad had a thing going on when Kong was abroad and we were all just starting at our jobs," Prae shrugged, chewing a fry in her mouth, leaving Oak and Kongpob dumbfounded. Everybody else nodded in agreement.


"So much for being absent in the group chat two years ago," M elbowed him in the ribs, causing him to double over.

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