7. Letters

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Day 7 Prompt: Love Letter

July 9, 2016

Dear P'Arthit,

Hello! I just want to tell you that you're always going to do great on your exams. I heard from the seniors that you're going to have a calculus exam today? Well, just remember that I'm always rooting for you P'. I hope this makes you smile today.


"Arthit? Are you even listening to me?" Bright slammed the locker door shut beside him, making him flinch.

"Huh? What?" He put down the piece of paper, willing himself to hide his smile from the emotions that were flowing through him from the letter.

"It's that freshman again? Who keeps sending you love letters? Man, you should have rejected him from the start if you didn't like him—" He tried to snatch the paper from Arthit's hands and Arthit slapped them off, sending him a deathly glare.

"Don't you fucking dare."

Knot pushed a shocked Bright to the side and raised his hands, gesturing that he wouldn't come near the piece of paper that Arthit held onto tightly, "Alright, Bright. Stop bothering Arthit and let's go. We can't be late for calculus."

Bright sneered at his angry friend, rolling his eyes. He has surely had enough of Arthit pining for a guy but never admitting it. Arthit nodded and closed his own locker, putting the letter in a thin clear plastic container that is the perfect size of the folded letter.

Together with his friends, they made their way to class.

September 14, 2016

Dear P'Arthit,

How are you today? I miss seeing you in the halls, my classes are now starting to pile up and I can't make excuses to go out of class anymore just to get a glimpse of you. I hope you don't find me weird, but I really miss you, P'Arthit. I hope you're doing okay.


Arthit looked around the busy corridor, sighing as he hadn't found what he was looking for. He folded the letter back neatly and stored it again in his special container. His frown deepened, deprived for the past few days. When he walked towards the cafeteria, he heard someone call behind him.

"Khun, can I get some help?"

Arthit turned around and he saw a teacher waving at him from the front of the faculty office. He nodded at him, immediately carrying half of the heavy stack of books.

"I'm going to the fourth floor," the teacher said and Arthit's head immediately snapped up, eyes widening. His heart began pounding as he internalized his words.

When they reached the floor, the teacher didn't stop walking until the familiar door of a classroom came into view. He opened it, revealing a class of tired freshmen, busy on their worksheets. The teacher motioned for Arthit to enter the classroom and settle the stack of books on the floor, just beside the table.

"Uh, you, Suthiluck, come help this young man arrange the books."

Arthit froze, as he was crouching down on the floor, tidying up the stack, he heard the familiar surname and resounded in his ears. He felt a shadow above him, and then, his right side wasn't so cold from the air conditioning anymore. Arthit looked and saw him, who was letting out a small, sheepish smile, a blush on his adorable cheeks.

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