Day 1 - Kongpob's Feelings About Rain

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Rain is one of the phenomena that can sway a person between two opposite sides, you either like it or not. Sometimes, it comes from privilege, when one grows up in a sheltered home, rain does not affect them, therefore more inclined to feel indifferent or like them. On the other hand, rain could be something very unfortunate for others.

Rain is strangely one of the things Kongpob absolutely hates. He hates the way it smells, hates the way it gets into his shoes, soaks his socks, or even floods his street. He hates how it comes at the most inconvenient of times, often rendering him out of options to travel or go home.

He has never played in the rain as a kid, felt the drive to be drenched in a natural shower of water, or even splashed in the puddles on the ground. He hated feeling sticky and humid whenever rain would come near him or even touch him.

As he sits and stares out the window of his sophomore classroom, he wonders if the rain will ever stop today. There was a tropical depression broadcasted in the news earlier that morning and it was their city that would be the most affected by the weather. He sighed, reaching down his bag to find something that would entertain him, maybe a book or a pencil, or even a notepad.

He could hear his friends bustling around even with the loud noise from the rain, a continuous stream pouring on their campus grounds. The weather is cold, humid, and Kongpob's nightmare.

"Hey Kong, it's about time we can go home. Are you coming with us? We'll be leaving early," M asked him, just as Kongpob successfully picked up a random pocketbook he had in his bag, the plot about some sci-fi aliens. Kongpob shook his head, "No, you guys can go first. I'm not in a hurry."

Oak looked at M and shrugged, both of them taking their bags and leaving. Maprang, Prae, and May followed suit, all of them wearing cotton jackets as they barely shivered at the lowered temperature.

When Kongpob was too preoccupied and bored to even continue reading his book, the students in the classroom have already thinned out, only a few students remained, either asleep or just waiting for time to pass. The man stood up, placed the book back in his bag, and left the room, grimacing as he noted that the rain hasn't even bothered to lighten. The light from outside was gloomy, almost grayscale.

He really was having a bad day and he knew that his friends noticed it too. It's about time before he expressed his dislike over this particular weather.

When he reached the exit of the campus he was usually taking in order to go back to his dorms, he quickly remembered that he came to campus through this same exit.

And he went here this morning where the skies were completely dry. And now, he feels like an utter idiot for even forgetting to bring the most essential thing he needed today, despite listening to the weather forecast this morning.

Oh, that's okay, maybe he could just go through the covered walkways— not. There were no covered walkways or sidewalks for this part of the campus because the distance wasn't really far and there were trees everywhere. This would be a solution if the rain was weak, but it was still pouring.


"Hey, now. Do you kiss your mother with that foul mouth?"

Kongpob recoiled as he heard the voice beside him, turning into a state of panic as he saw a very familiar person he knew all too well, he could still make his heart race even without doing anything,

It was a shame they weren't dating because Kongpob really wants to kiss him right now,  yes with that foul mouth of his.

"P'Arthit, ah, I'm sorry."

"No need," Arthit waved him off, looking so vibrant in Kongpob's eyes. It's like he was only seeing black and white up until the man arrived and suddenly Arthit is bursting in color, like rays of sunshine glow on his skin, like the wave his lips are colored beautifully pink, the way his body flexed underneath his while polo, the maroon dress shirt forgone mostly these days as Arthit focused more on his internship applications.

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