Day 2 - A Day of Surprises

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Arthit has never been a romantic person, he's known for not having a romantic bone in his body. His friends always make fun of him because it was not his innate personality, it was his lack of experience. He's not romantic because he's never been romantic.

Well, that all changed when Kongpob came into his life, practically swooping in and carrying him around like a prince, at least that was what it felt like, his feet were up in the air, and he was falling hard, fast.

You see, Arthit does like to be pampered, it was his unspoken guilty pleasure. He enjoys the way Kongpob dotes on him, loves the way he is held, and adores being cuddled and showered with love. But on the outside, he squirms with discomfort, because he's not used to it. And he's glad that Kongpob knows, he understands, and he has given him enough space and enough affection, everything that Arthit needs.

When they're indoors, Arthit loves to appreciate Kongpob, his guard is lowered, therefore letting most of his inhibitions run as he casually places an arm around his lover, kisses his cheek at times, or is the big spoon for the night.

In this particular case, it wasn't about the physical touch called affection, no. He was now in a big dilemma.

Kongpob's birthday is on the 8th of January. And this is their first year of dating, almost nine months in.

And this is extremely important for Arthit, albeit he was not the celebrant. This is his first relationship, a little embarrassing that it began in college, but it was a big deal. He grew up watching movies of couples preparing big surprises for their lovers, making personalized gifts, and whatnot. He didn't know what to do, but he knew that Kongpob is the most important person in his life and he wanted to treat him the way he deserved to be treated.

And now, as he browses several isles of an arts and supplies shop, scrolling through endless Pinterest boards, bookmarking tutorials into YouTube playlists, and getting looks from strangers who noticed his shopping cart, Arthit knew he was fucked.

"Excuse me, um, do you know where the colored cartolinas are?"

"Oh, all the colored cartolinas are sold out. We haven't had a restock yet. How about colored papers instead?"

Arthit politely shakes his head, "Ah, no thank you. It's okay. Thanks for the tip."

He bit his lip as he looked back at his phone, I guess this one won't work. He scrolled through Pinterest again and gathered as many ideas as he could and used his budget for the materials all in the store. By the end of his shopping, Kongpob had already texted him that he was done and he bought dinner for them both.

P'Arthit, I'm on my way to your dorm. I bought us dinner.

Okay. I'm on my way home. You can go inside first. Don't wait for me.

Okay, P'. See you. :)

Arthit again shakes his head because his boyfriend is cute and he can't admit that out loud to him because he'll be teased forever.

It is true that Arthit is a big softie at heart, again, he's a whole ball of anxiety, but he tries to keep it cool most of the time.

When he arrives back at his dorm, he noticed the subtle sounds from inside the room, he noted that Kongpob must have arrived earlier than him. Keeping the materials snug in his backpack, he opened the door and was greeted by the comforting scent of coffee, Kongpob's home.

"P'Arthit, welcome back! Dinner is already set up. Your bag looks a little heavy, want me to—"

"No, it's okay Kongpob," Arthit immediately stops him, clutching the strap of his bag tightly, then smiled warmly at his boyfriend, leaning in and pressing a routine kiss to his cheek, murmuring "I'm home" and dashing straight to the bathroom to change.

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