6. Sidewalk

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Author's Note

Hi, before you proceed, I'm planning on making a part 2 of Starstruck sooo um, stay tuned I guess? I'm not sure when I can write tho. But I hope you like my day 6 entry. I'm warning you, though. It's angst.

Day 6 Prompt: Protective Kongpob

If there was one thing Arthit would take back, it would be that one night. The one night when he thought everything was fine in the world and then it's not.

That night was a few hours ago, it was now dawn. He was pacing in the while corridor, tears flowing down his cheeks, and his heart broken into a million pieces.

It should have been me.

It should have been me.

It should have been me.

His hands, stained with blood, holding his phone, as he put it on his ear, lips trembling and legs are shaking, "Hello, M-Mae?"

"Arthit? What's wrong, why are you crying?"

"M-Mae, it's K-Kongpob."

Arthit explained the situation, his voice was breaking in between. His mind was clouded, and all he could think about was Kongpob.

It should have been me.

A Few Hours Ago

"Hey P'Arthit, you know what?" Kongpob asked, looking at him with a smile as they walked down the sidewalk, hand in hand.

"What?" Arthit looked at him curiously.

"What if we get married someday?"

"Kongpob!" Arthit flushed red, sending him a glare.

"What? I was just asking a question!" the younger laughed, finding it adorable how Arthit didn't refute the question and just remained flustered.

Truth be told, Arthit was thinking about this for a while now. They knew they're still in their early careers, and are just on the path to have a stable income, but Arthit's mind would always wander to the depths of their relationship. Of course, he wanted to marry him. But he never once mentioned it to Kongpob, afraid he would drive the man away. But that clearly wasn't the case.

"Why did you suddenly bring this up now?"

Kongpob gave him a sheepish smile, "It was just a random thought," he paused for a moment, "So, what do you think?"

"I..." Arthit looked at him, "I mean I've thought about it."

"I would definitely marry you in a heartbeat, P'Arthit."

The older looked at him in surprise, then he felt his face feel hot, "Me too."

They lapsed into a comfortable silence, Kongpob squeezed Arthit's hand, beaming at him. Arthit felt shy under Kongpob's gaze but he honestly loved it that he was the only person Kongpob looked at like that like he was the whole world and Kongpob only saw him.

But then, as if time stopped, he saw a blinding light from the corner of his eye. A loud blaring horn was heard, and he felt his arm being yanked backward and his body being pushed so hard he fell a few feet away.

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