5. Starstruck

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Day 5 Prompt: Celebrity AU

"I told you, Prae, I'm not interested! Why are you even dragging me here in the first place?" Kongpob groaned and tried to yank off his best friend's hold on his arm.

"Shut up, Kong. You promised me a favor and now it's here. I've been waiting for this day my whole life!" Praepailin glared at him and huffed, they were now at the entrance of the stadium, the one nearest to the front of the VIP section.

"I'm not even a fan of him and I don't like crowded areas."

Prae rolled her eyes, opening the door as the loud screams of the fans started to pour out, "Arthit is the one who gives me life, who makes me breathe. His songs speak to me. And man up your introverted ass, you even wore your glasses tonight. Did you also bring a book? Please, you're still a nerd."

"Prae, I may be a nerd but I am not afraid to leave you right here if you push me too much," Kongpob warned, pushing back his rimmed spectacles.

She led them to the front seats, literally just in front of the stage. Prae has been talking about this concert for months, repeatedly saying that she had to fight just to get these seats, and albeit Kong does not have anything against Arthit, the singer that Prae worships, the amount of times she has spoken his name makes him think of a reason to dislike him.

As Prae has stated, Kongpob was a nerd. The usual bespectacled intelligent boy, whom everyone uses to do their homework and get good grades. He doesn't actually bury himself in books, thanks to his best friend who takes him out from time to time, but he would really rather read in the comfort of his room than be in an unfamiliar face with thousands of people.

Kongpob wouldn't lie, Arthit's songs were pretty amazing. But he hated it when he produces pop songs, as it blasts all throughout the university to the point that his eardrums would start to bleed. He admitted that the songs were a bop, but when he plays the acoustics and produces soulful music, it was in his opinion, the best genre of Arthit.

Not that he was a fan, it was just because of Prae's constant playing of the music in the room, in the car, in class, in the library, and even while sleeping.

He noticed that the seats around him were already occupied, meaning that everyone was already here, at least in his section. Angling his head to get a better view, he visibly paled as the stadium darkened, and you could see the people, or more accurately, the phones, lighting up everywhere. He heard Prae scream beside him, and he knew.

The concert is starting.

He could hear the drumsticks being ticked together, a whisper of "one, two, three" and then a loud bang on the drum started.

The crowd's screams were deafening.

"Kongpob he's here! He's here! He's fucking here!"

And the opening lyrics of his most recent song started, Kongpob immediately recognized it. And as the voice resounded in the large building, there stood Arthit, not far away from him, smiling at the crowd and waving his hand.

A sudden wave shocked Kongpob to the core, the chills running down his spine as he looked at the singing artist. The wild fans were long forgotten. He was there. And he was—



"So? Did you enjoy it? Kong?" Prae asked him, shaking his shoulders as KOng absentmindedly nodded, focused on his phone.

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