🌞Chapter 16

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Students walked out of the school building with relieved looks on their faces as final exams ended and summer vacation began. Mew was watching them from a window of the hallway, when he saw a group pf his friends coming near him. One of the girls grabbed Mew's arms flirtatiously, and brought her face close to his.

"Let's go to the beach, Mew!" she squealed. "It's such a waste for you to spend all your time at school! This is the last summer vacation of high school!"

"Hmm...the beach does sound nice..." Mew mumbled. He didn't hate swimming, and he loved playing underneath the sun.

"Yeah, it'll be a lot more fun if you come along, Mew!" the girl said, looking up at him.

"Yeah, I bet he's good at volleyball!" one of their friends said.

"Ohh, I wanna see him play volleyball!" the girl gushed. "Let's do it, let's do it!"

But Mew's mind was somewhere else.

It was inside a fantasy.

'If only I could spend time with Gulf, under the sun...'

His friend's voice intruded into his dream. "Last time we did it, he ended up whacking...what was it again? Hey, are you listening, Mew?"

"...Huh?" Mew asked.

"What did you end up hitting that time?" his friend prompted.

"Huh? I don't remember," Mew replied.

"That sounds sooo fun!" the girl squealed. "Let's go next weekend, okay?"

Mew looked at her smiling face suspiciously.

"Let's invite Teach Gulf, too!" one of his friends suggested abruptly.

Mew was startled. He'd never seen his friend interacting with Gulf before.

"Let's do it, let's do it! I want Teach Gulf to come too! But why did you suggest it all of a sudden?" another girl asked curiously.

"Oh, I heard he's buying a car!" Mew's friend revealed.

"Does he even have a license?" one of the girls asked.

"Are you sure this isn't false rumor like how he was supposedly engaged?" another friend asked.

"Yeah!" a girl chimed. "I was totally shocked when I heard that one. I'm so glad it wasn't true."

"No, this one is for real," the informant said. "One of my friends works at a car dealership and he said Teach Gulf went there looking for a car."

"Ohh, is he gonna get a new car?" the girls asked.

"I get shotgun!" a classmate proclaimed.

"Why? I think a girl should be in the passenger seat,right?" one of the girls protested.

Mew's heart pounded as he listened to his excited friends chatter away and plan something they didn't even know would happen.

'Going to the beach with Teach Gulf, huh....that would be fun, but troublesome...'

Just then, his cellphone rang. He took it out of his pocket and said, "oh, sorry." He looked at the screen and shook the girl's arm off and walked away.


"What are you doing? Aren't you studying for entrance exams this year?" A voice said coolly.

Mew's heart skipped a beat.

"Um, what do you mean?" he asked.

"Where are you right now?" Gulf demanded.

"Across from the bike rack..." Mew answered.

"Are you going home?" Gulf asked.

"No, I---" Mew began.

"Just because tests are over doesn't mean you can get carried away," Gulf interrupted.

"I'm not," Mew protested.



"Huh?" Mew looked at his cellphone, dumbfounded. He wasn't sure why Gulf had hung up on him so suddenly. For that matter, he didn't even know why Gulf had called him. He looked up Gulf's number and called him back.

Gulf picked up right away.

"What?" He sounded crabby.

"That's what I want to know!"

What was going on?

"Teach, where are you right now?" he asked in a quieter voice.

"I dunno," Gulf answered childishly.

"Come on, tell me!" Mew urged.

"Go home, Mew " Gulf said.

"I don't want to! Come on, tell me!" Mew demanded.

"The roof," Gulf saif, and hung up again.

'The roof? Which one?" Mew muttered.

There were many buildings that made up their school. There were at least five separate roofs. He was about to call Gulf again to figure out which roof he was on, but he noticed his battery was almost dead. He went over to his friends and said, "Sorry, I gotta go," and then hurriedly went back inside the school building.

"Oh, man! He left again!" one of the girls whispered disappointedly, and the rest of his friends just shrugged their shoulders as they offered their own opinions.

"He's so oblivious."

"He's so naive."

"Even if you get him to like you back, he's so naive you'd be in for future trouble."

"Don't you think he's gotten a bit more masculine lately, though?"

"Really? I think he's pretty much the same."

"His grades are going up."

"Yeah, it's like he's a different person. He's studying really hard lately."

"That studios lifestyle looks kinda fun."

"Are you crazy? Anything's more fun than studying!"

"Yeah, I guess you're right. But he really looks like he's having a great time doing it!"


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