🌞Chapter 32🌻

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It was against the rules to bring chocolate to school on Valentine's Day. However, every year that rule was broken and the students brought some anyway. The female students always brought a lot of chocolate for the teachers.

"I say this every year, Gulf, but what are you going to do with all that chocolate?" Yaya asked.

"What does Bright usually do with his?" Gulf inquired.

The two of them were chatting as they walked down the hallway.

"Usually?" She gave a dazzling smile and said, "I'm not sure about what he usually does with them, but this year I think he's donating them to a daycare."

"That's a really good idea. Can you give him these too?" Gulf held out a paper bag, when suddenly two girls ran from the opposite end of the hallway towards them.

"Teach Gulf! Thank goodness you haven't gone home yet!" They both looked up at him with bright eyes, panting.

Yaya smiled at the girls, bowed slightly to Gulf and then left.

"Wow, you got a lot more chocolate than I thought you would!" One of them peeked into the bag Gulf was holding. "But please accept mine too, Teach."

"Uh, T-Thanks," Gulf stuttered.

"C'mon, Michiru, you too!" She nudged the other girl, and continued, "Don't be so nervous, just give it to him!"

But Michiru seemed troubled by the amount of chocolates in Gulf's bag. He had so many people that liked him, so why should she matter?

"Hey, listen, Teach," the first girl said. "She's been nervous whole the day about giving you chocolate!"

Now that she mentioned it, Michiru looked really pale.

"I'm not really that special, you know..." Gulf said jokingly.

All of a sudden Michiru clapped her hand over her mouth and fell down to the floor.

"Ahh!" her friend screamed. "Michiru! What's wrong?"

Hearing the girls screams, Yaya came running back down the hall.

"She's so pale!" Yaya cried. She bent down and properly laid Michiru down on the floor and undid the hook on her skirt. "Teach Gulf please turn your back." She unbuttoned Michiru's school uniform, placed a hand inside her blouse and said, "I can't believe students these days!" She paused a bit and the said, "This could be serious. Teach Gulf, will you please call an ambulance?"

He nodded and quickly called an ambulance.


The cafe Mew worked at was very busy on the night of Valentine's Day. They offered not only tea, but also other delicious cafe food, so it was a popular spot for both women and couples. That night they sold a lot of chocolate cakes and other types of chocolate.

"This whole place is filled with chocolate, it's kind of impressive," Mew commented.

But it felt empty somehow. If only Gulf were with him, they could eat chocolate cake together, and he could give Gulf a present of chocolate too. But he couldn't possibly ask Gulf to come see him, so he had decided if he got off work early, he'd bring the chocolate over to Gulf's place.

"Come on, Mew, get to work!" his boss said in a strict voice.

"Sorry!" He took a deep breath and headed back out onto the floor of the restaurant. He might not be able to make his usual ten o'clock call, which made him even sadder.


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