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HI GUYS! i know i haven't updated in a really long time, please forgive me!!!! I was caught up in school and now i made a super special chapter for you guys. please comment! I want feedback from you guys!!! 

hope you like it!

Blowin' pov

i trotted down the streets of ponyville, with some baloons and a small box with a pink ribbon. In that box was the most WONDERFUL gift I will ever give a pony. Today was fire blast's coming home party, and i decided this would be the perfect moment to tell pinkie how I feel. She IS a super party pony after all! EVERYPONY will be there, exept for spike. He and fire blast aren't getting along. But I understand, i had dated a little sheep once, but she was a bit too............


WELL ANYWAY, before I get lost in my crazy coo-coo thoughts, I'll tell ya what happened. I was on my way to sugar cube corner when a strange orange pony with wild brown hair and a yellow shirt trotted towards me in the SILLYEST way possible, on top of a rool of cheddar cheese with a party hat and a funny looking rubber chicken.

"HIYA! I haven't seen you around before, are you new 'round these parts?" said I.

"Oh I'm not from 'round her mister, but i have been here before!" he hopped of the cheese to meet me, "The name is cheese sandwich, but you can call me cheese!!"

We wildly shook hooves, and i introduced myself. Then he asked me, "do you happen to know where a pony named pinkie pie could be?" he brought out a small box that was similar to mine, then he opened it and there was a baloon shaped diamond ring. Mine was much smaller, and i felt a bit ashamed of my gift.

"Don't tell anyone, but I'm gonna ask her to marry me today!" He smiled in delight and asked again if I knew where pinkie was.

I was shocked. Who was this pony who thought he could mary MY sweet tart!! I wanted for him to disappear, but of all things, i just wanted to go home to the tower and cry. But as shocked as i was, instinct took over. I spun around and around, producing a small tornado that wiped cheese off his feet. I took off, running as fast as my hooves could carry me. Cheese was in shock, but then began to follow me, confused of what just happened. I spotted sugar cube corner, and slammed into the door, cheese far behind me. I opened the door, and gave the box and ballons to pinkie.

"pinkie, I have a gift and a question for you. But please hurry!!!" I gasped.

"Well, okay!!" she untied the ribbon and opened the small box, she smiled and was going to reply, but she was interrupted by Cheese Sandwich.

"Hiya pinkie!! I came for a visit," he saw the box and realized my intentions. Then he said, "I was gone for too long, was I?"

"NO! Not at all cheesy!!" she trotted over to him and they hugged. Then he gave her the box, she opened it and looked at him, then me, then back at the two rings. She said,"well, this is just too much. I... I........GAH! I need some time to think!!!!" she ran upstairs and into her room. leaving me and cheese speechless.

"I'm sorry, blowin, I really am." fireblast patted my back, the baby in a baby saddle. I was really upset, as if the ballon called my heart had just burst. I turned to cheese sandwich, who sat there and stared at the direction pinkie went. I love pinkie, I REALLY do, but maybe she was already taken...

 NO.I can't let her be taken by someone else. You know, now is a pretty good time to break the fourth wall. Guys, readers, people looking at the wattpad screen, if im gonna get pinkie pie, i need you all to help me convince my writer to make me get pinkie. if you want to help cheese here, help him by commenting who you want to win pinkie's heart. REMEMBER TO HELP ME TOO! Well, anyway, back to the story.

Guy came over to me and offered a cupcake. i refused. also, fireblast met a nice colt at the hospital, but he can't remember who he is or where he lives. he's a gray land pony with a black mane. He's really nice,  but spike doesn't like him. Its because when nopony is around, i sometimes catch him using magic, even though he's a land pony. i wonder what that's all about...


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