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Also if anyone has a title name please let me know i couldnt really think of a name thats not super long.

Okay so I had this idea about 10 miniutes ago so im going to try and make it into a book. I met my best friend in the entire world on instgram a little over 4 months ago. We feel like weve known eaach other for years. So basically I had this love story idea thats, surprise surprise Juke. So this is a farely new idea so I dont know how well i can excecute it but im really excited to start writing again. I really hope you enjoy and im going to try and get chapters out as soon as possible! ALSO- IF ANYONE HAS DONE THIS OR SOMETHING SIMLIAR IT IS PURELY A COINCIDINCE I HAVENT SEEN THIS BEFORE IN ANY WAY SO THIS IS MY IDEA. thank you and i hope you enjoy!

So this story is going to take place mainly over text but it will also show their lives outside of the chat. There is going to be a few flashbacks and jumps to the future and different things like that. I will make sure to say when the time changes and stuff. Thats really all I have to say, this story isnt going to be very long.

Julie was an 18 year old singer and piano player, fresh out of high school, still trying to find her way through life until she met a boy on Instagram and became really good friends with him. The only probelm was this boy lived in London which was on a different continent then Julie. They hoped that one day they could meet but neither thought it was possible.

Luke was an 19 year old singer and guitarist. who was fresh into college. still trying to figure out what he wanted to do with his life since his parents didnt agree with pursuing music. he wasnt happy with his life.. that was until he met Julie.

welp thats what I got I really hope you enjoy.

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