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Olivias stuck in my head as always so I'm literally writing this chapter with one little idea based off this song I can't with myself. you should fully expect more chapters based off of Olivia Rodrigo songs because i have a...✨problem✨

Julie's POV-

After a few hours of sleep I called Luke.

"Hey Jules" he said smiling


I smiled at him "I like the new nickname"

He laughed and put his phone down on the counter so I could see him while he made lunch...he was shirtless with blue plaid pajama pants, and he was making eggs on the stove.

"eggs for lunch we love to see it" I laughed or maybe we loved to see other things but that's not the point.

He smiled and kept cooking "yeah speaking of lunch- isnt it like 7 am there you should go back to sleep it's way too early"

"no its okay I got enough sleep" I said holding back a yawn

"You slept for 3 hours there's no way you are energized" He said

I finally let the yawn go "but i'm talking to youuu right now I can sleep later"

(Sound familiar emma?-_-)

"Julieeeee sleep is important i'll be here when you wake up dont worry"

(literally a conversation between me and emma every single night)

"ahh fine i'll sleep in a little bit longer then i'll call you back later" I said laughing

(if only it was that easy to get you to go to sleep emma -_-)

Just then I got a text. I looked at it and I could still feel Luke staring at me. I smiled for a moment but that quickly faded as I read the message.

"is everything okay...?" he asked looking worried

I was still reading the message.

"Julie...?" He asked again

I stopped reading and looked back at him "hey sorry i just got a text- yeah i'll uhm- call you when i wake up"

"Wait, hold on, what's wrong, is everything okay?" he asked as he put his eggs on a plate and picked the phone up to look at me

I nodded and smiled at him "everythings okay"

"Jules, I've known you for like 3 weeks and I can already tell when you're lying.. what's up?" he said

"Flynn just texted me.. she said that she found dms and stuff from Carrie and Nick... they were talking when we were together" I said trying not to cry

he looked into my eyes ''Julie im so sorry that's so awful- hes not worth it"

"Thanks Luke" I said almost smiling

"You know what makes me feel better" he asked

"What would that be"

"Writing a song" he said smiling

I laughed and looked at him "wait, you're serious?"

He chuckled "yes i'm serious, just try it"

I smiled at him "maybe i will.."

"okay but do it right after you take a nap" he said laughing slightly

"ahhh fine" i got up off the floor and sat on my bed

He looked at me confused, "why were you on the floor?"

I laughed and shook my head "bed just isn't cutting it anymore"

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