The mix up pt.2...

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sorry for dissapearing for months again. Originally the last chapter was not supposed to be called "The Mix Up" this one was. I, unfortunately, got confused 😭 I honestly don't know if this will make sense but I can't go back and read so I'm just going to write if it doesn't make sense just dm me and let me know please, and ty. Also TYSM for 1000 reads!!!!!!!!! I'm so sorry it's literally been months since I've updated but I'm here now so do not fear✋

I would give a recap but I'm gonna be honest idk what happened so hope you go back and read then come enjoy 😭


Luke's POV:

I've been planning to see my mom for a few days now and I have everything set up. My flight leaves tonight so I should be there early Saturday morning. I'll hang out with my mom for a while then when Julie gets off work maybe we can meet up. Ahh, I'm so excited. It surprisingly didn't take me long to pack. I just threw everything in my suitcase and was done. I'm leaving for the airport in a little under an hour. I decided to facetime Julie while I go around and make sure I have all my stuff.

she picked up

"Hey Jules I missed you, we haven't talked since 3 hours ago"

Julie laughed and yawned

"oh come on It's like 5 pm where you are you couldn't possibly have just woken up"

She laughed "noo I just took a nap and now I'm tired"

"that isn't how naps are supposed to work," I said laughing

She smiled and laid back down on her bed "whatcha doing"

"just some laundry then I'm gonna go somewhere come home and just sleep"

"this late? where are you going" she laughed

"uhhh laundry mat like I said I'm doing laundry"

she gave me a confused look "at 11 pm?"

I laughed "best time to go because nobody's there"


"Alright alright I'm going to go to the laundromat now," I said rolling my eyes

"right," she said

"Talk to you later"

"alrighty goodnight sweet dreams"

I said then hung up

I packed all of my stuff into the cab and set off to the airport

(he has only 1 suitcase there because he's staying for a week and well you know he's a boy)

after we got to the airport I texted Julie

L "hey you up?"

J "no"

L "lol okay then goodnight"

J "no no I'm up I'm up, what's up do you want to call?"

L "no I can't right now I was just bored and wanted to see if you were up"

J "so you don't wanna call :("

"it's not even like thatttt I will call you tomorrow I pinky promise"

"hehe okayy I start work tomorrow super early so I really should head to bed"

"you wanted to call 10 seconds ago -_-"

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