My Life Before Her...

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Once again.. really short chapter kind of just a filler chapter and a short snippiet into their backgrounds. Love you lots and hope you enjoy.

September 10th 2020, Thats a date I will remember forever. The day that I met my soulmate. Maybe I should start from the beginning...

It was sophmore year when I met the girl of my dreams...Well when I thought I did. Poppy Grey small town girl, she was perfect. She was tall and blonde and stunning and she looked like a model. She wasnt the nicest or brightest person in the room but she made me smile everytime I saw her. We thought we were in love. We dated for a little over 2 years and we were so happy. We graduated high school toghther and moved into a small apartment, We were all set for the world. Well that was until I recieved something in the mail. A letter...

I went to check the mail and as I was opening it I noticed a letter from.. OXFORD?! "Holy shit now way!" I yelled. Poppy came over to me "Whats wrong?" She asked. "I got a letter from Oxford University in England!!!!!!" I yelled smiling my ass off. "Oh- okay.." She said frowning. I pulled her arm gently so she was sitting next to me and wrapped my arm around her. "Hey were going to be okay, I dont even know if i got in yet, if I did you can always come with me you know" I said smiling.
"What? No way!" she said moving from under my arm and standing up. I was at a loss of words. I thought we were in love I thought she would come with me. "why not?" I asked looking up at her. "Luke are you insane? I cant just drop everything and move to England what is wrong with you" She yelled. Shes was right. But I couldnt give up this oppertunity I had to at least try and push.
"Poppy we live togther what would you be dropping?" I was starting to get a little angry. Maybe because I dissagreed or maybe because I knew she was right and I didnt want to accept it. "I have a job that I like" She said. Now I was more angry.

"You work at a Mc Donalds down the street Poppy im sure they wont miss you that bad." I spat.

(yeah im leaving that sentence in its own paragraph so yall can individually comment on that😭😭😭😭)

That was a dick move there was no need to say that. I cant force her to come to England with me. I took a deep breath "I didnt mean that im sorry". Poppy rolled her eyes and went to the room to grab a suitcase. I followed her. "Poppy im sorry please dont leave". She looked at me and chuckled. "Luke im packing your stuff. You are not going to sit in my home and disrespect me like that. You're free to go the England by yourself. Im sure you'll do great" She said smiling. "come on we can try long distance I didnt mean that. Dont break up with me over some silly argument where I said some dumb shit please" I said hopeful. Poppy handed me a bag with my clothes. "Ill mail you the rest" she said and pushed me out the door.

I sighed and looked at the letter. "I dont even know if I got in" I whispered to myself. I sat outside the door and slowly opened the letter. "We are pleased to inform you that.. holy shit I got in" I smiled and got up getting on the first bus to the airport I could get. My parents agreed to pay for my college no matter the cost because they didnt think I would get into college in the first place. Not because I was dumb because im not, Just because I give up on things really easily. Plus my parents had plenty of money my mom was a brain surgeon and she saved every penny that didnt go into basic necesities and bills for her whole life. My dad did a similar thing however he was a Physcatrist. They both made great money and had great spending habits. Something im really glad I inherited because I saved up enough money from part time jobs throughout high school and jobs when I got out to go to college anywhere I wanted. I expected something Like Mexico or Texas maybe even New York. But I never expected to go to Oxford. I was thrilled.

After a few weeks in my new apartment not far from Oxford I was all settled in and comfortable with my area. Then I got a text from none other then..You guessed it Poppy Grey. "Hey Luke im really sorry about the last time we saw each other. I defiently overreacted. I was hoping you would come over and maybe we can talk about some stuff.." I read. "Hey Pop sorry but I cant stop by im actually in my new apartment in England. Im not coming back home but I wish you all the best. I love you always :)" I put my phone down and sighed.

"No more girl drama" I said, that was until I got another message from Instagram...

Let me know what you guys think of this story so far.. what are your predictions and will you be right? Find out next time only on...
✨Mental Breakdown writing✨

also I couldnt be bothered to proof read this story if you see something spelled wrong or something that doesnt make sense just lmk so I can fix it and use your imagination to make it right until then. Love you guys!

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