My Life Before Him...

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This is Wattpad so I really dont think putting this warning before the book is necassary but im still going to do it just in case. Theres some words in this book. I know you nasty humans read much worse stuff so if you really have to leave the book because of cuss words im concerend. Anyways thats the only warning for this chapter theres not really anything bad...yet😏
this chapters really short and moves fast because its Just a set up. I hope you enjoy.


September 10th 2020, Thats a date I will remember forever. The day that I met my soulmate. Maybe I should start from the beginning...

It was a Thrudsday afternoon, It was the last day of Junior year and I was walking home with my bestfriends Carrie and Flynn. Me and the girls have been friends since we were born because our moms were really close. Carries mom left when she was 10 Flynn's mom is just always working and my mom died 3 years ago so were not as close as we were before but we are still bestfriends. Carrie is more of the popular kind and Flynn is more down to Earth so its a fun little group that we have.
I stopped walking and turned to the girls "Guys! Were seniors". "yeah we are is that just clicking in your brain?" Flynn said laughing. "no but its just starting to feel real" I said rolling my eyes. "Now time for Senior parties" Carrie jumped in. "yeah that to" Flynn pointed to carrie. "We have so much to do with out lives. Were going to be seniors and were going to do something in the world" I said. "Yeah and older boys. maybe even college boys" Carrie said laughing with Flynn. "yeah yeah college boys to" I said givning up on the insperational speach.

Once me and the girls got back to my house we decided to have a sleepover and play some games and watch some movies. After a few hours we decided to end the night with a classic game of Truth or Dare.

"okay, im never playing this game with you guys again" Flynn said. "oh come on your mom thought it was funny" Carrie said laughing hysterically. "Im grounded for a week" Flynn said laughing with her. "totally worth it though" I jumped in.

"Okay okay Julie its your go" Carrie said calming down. "okay" I said nervous for what these girls had in store. "Truth or Dare" Flynn asked me. "uhmmm... Dare" I said. "Okay I dare you tooo..... DM a boy on instagram" Flynn said. "okay easy ill just dm someone whos not from here and it wont affect me" I said Laughing thinking I beat the system. "Noooo someone from school" Carrie said. "oh no absolutelty not, im not embarrasing myself for you guys" I said. "Uhm do you not remember what I just called my mom and told her for a dare? Yeah. You can text a boy from school" Flynn said. "you know what were on Summer im not going to see them until next year anyways. Theyll forget about it" I said pulling out my phone.

I scrolled through Instagram with the girls breathing down my back, until I came across Nicks page. I tried to scroll before the girls noticed but it was to late. They looked at each other then back at me. "Nope youre not getting out of this. DM him right now" Carrie said. 'what no why" I said playing dumb. "Because youve had a crush on this boy since 3rd grade, if you're going to dm anyone from school it might as well be Nick" Flynn said. "Come on just do it" Carrie said. "ugh fine" I said.

"heyy Nick its Julie from school :)" "that sounds good" Flynn said "really?" "No omg change it" Flynn said laughing "ugh youre so rude" I laughed while deleting the message. "let me write it" Carrie said snatching my phone from my hands. "hey! Dont send anything yet let me review first" I said rolling my eyes. "yeah, too late" Carrie said slowly handing my phone back. "CARRIE OMG WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" I said grabbing my phone quickly and reading the message. "OH MY GOD I AGREED TO TEXT HIM NOT TO ASK HIM TO MEET UP WTF?!" I yelled half jokingly half annoyed. "Come on you had to do it at some point just meet up with him and see where things go" Flynn said. "i cant believe you guys. what if he rejects me? oh my god my life is over as I know it." Julie said hyperventalating. "Julie calm down before you pass out" Carrie said. "Julie Molina if Nick doesnt like you theres something wrong in his head and you shoudlnt want someone with something messed up in their head anyways" Flynn said. I laughed and looked at the text message before chucking my phone to the otherside of the room. "HE READ IT!". The girls laughed and Carrie walked over to my phone and read the message. "aww Julie im so sorry..." Carrie said. I lost my smile knowing that, that meant he rejected me. "im so sorry- that Im going to say I told you so right now" Carrie said smilng. "what?" i asked confusd. "Julie he agreed to meetup, he said "cool its a date" I squeeled. "No fucking way"

A few days went by and now it was time for the date. Carrie and Flynn helped me get ready and did my makeup and got me a cute new outfit. "guys..." I said playing with my hands. "yes?" the girls asked. "This is my first date and its not even a date" I said. "Oh sure it is. Nick said "its a date" remember?" Carrie said. "Julie dont worry this is going to go good I promise" Flynn said. I nodded and put my shoes on.
We heard a honk outside (yep its one of these stories poor Nick didnt do anything but I need to setup this story somehow im sorry). I took a deep breathe. "good luck Julie its going to go great" Flynn said giving me a reassuring hug. "thanks for everything guys ill let you know how it goes.

I went outside and got in the car. "Hey Nick its good to see you" I said with a smile. "you to" he said and drove off to the movie theatre. "so.. what are your plans for the Summer?" I asked. "nothing much probablty just going to hang out" Nick said. Yep this date went way worse then I remember it... sorry back to the story. I was honestly really uncomfortable but I just figured it was because Ive had a crush on this boy for years and now im in his car going to the movies. When we got there he made me pay for my ticket. I invited him out so its fair. We sat down next to each other and waited for the movie to start. "Are you one of those people who like talks the whole movie?" he asked sounding annoyed. I definitely am one of those people. "No not at all thats really annoying. Like come on people just enjoy the movie" I said akwardly smiling.

About an hour into the movie Nick put his arm around me. My heart was palpitating, I was dying. I smiled and cuddled into him. We finished the movie and he took me home. I called the girls and told them how "amazing" the date went and that Nick said he wanted to meet again soon.

About a year goes by and our realationship is the same. Akward dates where he barely acted like he gave a shit, and me paying for almost everything. But I pretended I was happy. Not only to everyone else, but to myself. I told myself the guy of my dreams was perfect for me when it really wasnt. But I was okay with it because he was popular and me being his girlfriend helped me get through Senior year. It was that last day of school. We were graduating in a week I was done.

On the last day of senior year we decided to play Truth or dare again and this is where our story really starts..

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