Chapter 14- Meredith

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"Ouch ok," Addie says"Babe you ok," I ask"Yep just moved too quick" she replies

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"Ouch ok," Addie says
"Babe you ok," I ask
"Yep just moved too quick" she replies

'' Let me help you, baby.'' I say

" I just wanna take a shower that's it.'' She replies

"Ok just be careful,'' I reply

She gets up and starts the shower. She grabs a towel and starts taking off her clothes.

''Babe can you help me with my bra.'' She asks

''Sure,'' I say

I get up and unclasp her bra and start kissing her shoulders. She turns and I start kissing her neck. 

"MMM that feels good.'' She moans

''I should stop you can't have sex till your healed,'' I say 

'' We can't break the rules just this once.'' She asks

'' No, I'm sorry I'll go cook breakfast,'' I say

She gets in the shower and comes downstairs with a plaid shirt on and booty shorts. 

'' MM looks good.'' She says

"Smells good too,'' I reply

"I love you. You know that right.'' She says

"Yes, I know,'' I say


"I got it,'' I say

She opens the door to see a woman standing there.

"Meredith you're alive.'' The woman says

"Mom??" I say

"Babe who's there,'' Addison asks

"Addison this is Ellis Grey,'' I say

She shakes her hand and says,'' Grey??'' 

"Hi, Ellis Grey Meredith's mom," Ellis says

"Her MOM.'' She says in a confused face.

" Maam I will be right back with your daughter,'' Addison says

She takes me to the office and says,'' I thought you said your mom was dead.'' 

"She is to me. She pretended to have Alzheimer's and alienated me and I haven't heard from her till today." I say

"Who exactly are you to my daughter,'' Ellis asks

"Mom this is Addison-Forbes Montgomery, my fiance,'' I say

"Fiance no way I don't accept you being lesbian or whatever ughhh. You ARE a disgrace. I am so DISAPPOINTED IN YOU MEREDITH.'' Ellis says

"Get out respectfully ma'am get out of our house,'' Addison says

She leaves and I start crying. She comforts me and says,'' It's ok.''


A/N- Hello Loves hope you like this chapter. It was published at 3 in the morning. When the muse comes it comes. Don't forget to vote and comment 

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