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It had been about 3 years since Meredith and I got married

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It had been about 3 years since Meredith and I got married. We had a beautiful baby girl named Sydney and a year later a little boy named Calvin. We obviously named Derek and Cristina the godparents. We were currently in our backyard with the entire hospital here for Sydney's 2nd birthday.
"Happy birthday baby." I smiled
"Thanks mama where's mommie." She giggled
"Behind you munchkin." Meredith said sneaking behind her back
"Ahh mommie." She squealed
"Uncle Derek." She yelled
"What's up baby girl." He smiled
"How was Manhattan." I asked
"Tiring but I've decided to stay in Seattle." He smiled
"That's great Derek." Meredith smiled
When Meredith and I got married Derek was lost for a while loosing both the love of his life until he met Caroline. He was happy until she got a job offer in Seattle. At first they were in Manhattan but they decided to stay in Seattle apparently.
"We're happy for you Derek" I smiled
"Birthday cake candles mama." Sydney giggled
"Come on bug." I smiled
"3,2,1 happy birthday." We all screamed
She blew out her candles and hugged Calvin. Everyone got a piece of cake and she opened her gifts. It was around 9Pm now and everyone was gone and Calvin and Sydney were in bed. Meredith and I were laying in bed clothes scattered on the floor and a pizza box in the middle of the bed. Having 3 rounds of sex is tiresome. Taking another slice of the pizza I looked down on her to see her eyes already looking at me
"What." I laughed
"I love you." She smiled before kissing me
"I love you more." I smiled

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