Chapter 13- Addison

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"Ahh dammit

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"Ahh dammit." I scream
This hurts so bad. I get in my car and drive to hospital.
"Addison what happened." Meredith says
"I drove to a cabin and someone started shooting." I say weakly
I faint into her arms.
"I need a gurney and someone page Bailey." Meredith screams
"What happened." Bailey says barging in the trauma room
"She was shot we need to get her to an or she is bleeding internally." Meredith says
"I will Grey but you can't operate she's family." Bailey says
Derek comes in and says," Bailey go I will look after Meredith."
Derek takes me to the waiting room and i start crying.
"She can't die." I say
"She will be fine Meredith." Derek reassured her
Bailey comes out and says," She's fine no sexual activity for a couple weeks. But she's ok."
"Oh thank god." Meredith says
She hugs Bailey and Bailey takes her to Addison.
"Hey how are you feeling." Meredith says
"Like a truck just ran over me." I say
"I'm sorry I should not have said that earlier I love you and I want to be with you." Meredith says
"I love you to come up here." I say
She snuggles with me and we fall asleep. The next morning I wake up to no pain. Meredith comes and asks," How you feeling,"
"Good." I say
"Rounds people, Andersen present." Bailey says
"Addison Montgomery was admitted last night from a gunshot wound in the abdomen. Ex- lap was preformed and should be out here by today." Anderson says
"Good job Addie I will be back with your discharge papers." Bailey says
"Coke let's get you ready." Meredith says
We sign the papers and leave to go home. I get in the bed and fall asleep. The next thing I know I'm cuddling with Meredith.

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