Chapter 15- Addison & Meredith

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A/N- So welcome everyone

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A/N- So welcome everyone. I have rewritten this chapter to my liking and hopefully yours. So after this wedding chapter, you shall be welcoming a Grey-Montgomery baby. Then I will end this story on a good note. At least 20 or 25 chapters. Have fun reading and don't forget to vote and comment.

"Ok so dresses are set, the venue is set, everything is set.'' Meredith says stressing herself over the wedding.

"Hey stop stressing ok I love you ok. I'm gonna pack so I can get to Amy's in time." Addie says

"Don't forget to drop off Derek's tux ok babe.'' Meredith yells

Addie gets her things and leaves. She stops at Derek's trailer to see him sleeping with a woman.

"Oh sorry,'' Addie says

She closes the door and waits for them to get dressed. The woman comes up with a satisfied look on her face and drives home. Derek opens the door and lets Addie in.

"Hey what's going on,'' he asks

"Oh Mer wanted me to drop off your tux,'' Addie says

"Oh ok so who are the bridesmaids and stuff,'' Derek asks

"My side will have Naomi, Amy, and Violet. Mer's side will have Cristina, Izzie, and Bailey. Then my dad is walking me down the aisle and not sure who is walking Mer.'' Addie says

"Oh ok well go to Amelia's see you tomorrow. Soon to be Addison Forbes- Montgomery Grey.'' He says smiling

"I love you Derek and never ever meant to hurt you. I hope you know that.'' Addie says

"I know.'' He replies

Meredith POV

"Dr. Webber what are you doing here,'' Meredith says

"I just wanted to give this to you before the wedding.'' He says

Meredith had taken her boards two days before the wedding and was now a general fellow. So Webber surprised her with a brand new stethoscope with her name carved in it.

"Oh my god, it's amazing thank you.'' She says hugging him

"No problem.'' He says

"How would you like to walk me down the aisle tomorrow seeing as how my mom doesn't approve of me and Addie,'' Meredith says

"It would be an honor. Now get some sleep.'' He says


It was morning and Meredith came running downstairs to see all her bridesmaids here with food and the dresses and shoes and MAKEUP. They all got in the cars and drove to the venue. They all went to the dressing rooms and got changed.

"Meredith Grey,'' Bailey yelled

"Bailey,'' Meredith said scared

"Are your vows written.'' She asked

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