Chapter 20- Addison

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"Ahh, you back

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"Ahh, you back." We hear Cristina yell running to hug Meredith
"Yes, we are," I responded
"How was it. Did you guys fuck a lot?" Cristina asked
"I'm not answering that," Meredith said
"Ok well was it good at least?" She asked again
"Cristina," I yelled
"Your back." We heard Derek yell
"Yes," I replied
"That's great welcome back." He said hugging me
"Grey, Montgomery. Your back." Bailey yelled
"Yes, we are," Meredith said
"That's amazing how was it," Bailey asked
"Beautiful," Meredith said linking her hand in mine
I smiled and we said our goodbyes. We just put an offer on a house and were leaving to check it out.
"Hi, Montgomery- Grey." The guy said
"That's us," Meredith said
"So this place has 6 bathrooms, 6 bedrooms, master kitchen, pantry, backyard with a pool." He explained showing us the kitchen
"This is beautiful," Meredith said
"It really is," I replied
"How much." She asked
"Well, 2k not a lot of people want it because of the neighbors." He said
"What's wrong with the neighbors?" I asked
"The wife is a little nosy.'' He said 
"Well we are doctors and barely home so nothing to see,'' I yelled
'' We will take it.'' Meredith chuckled
''Yes, we will,'' I replied
"Ok, congrats you are proud owners of this house.'' The guy said handing us the keys
"Thank you so much,'' I replied

I was now married to Meredith Grey and just bought a house with her what could go wrong

I was now married to Meredith Grey and just bought a house with her what could go wrong

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A/N- I haven't updated this book in so long. I'm sorry. This is how I imagined the house.


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