The beginning of a new chapter

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I had danced with most of the girls and quite a few of the guys, Adrien had just ditched me to get Marinette who had come back from talking with Alya.

I had resorted to the snack table and some spicy chips when Nino started his 'brand new' slow dance. Or so I was informed.

These were the times during dances where I would entirely disappear so I didn't have to deal with actually dancing if someone asked. Which I highly doubted but one can never be to careful.

So I snuck out into the parking lot, a few hundred feet from the dance so I could still faintly hear the music in the background. I looked into the stars, winking at me, like they knew a secret no one knew.

What they didn't know is I knew, I knew every big event that goes on in the past, from the building of the Sphinx to the flood in Bible stories.

I also knew everything in the future about the miraculous, and their holders. But I didn't pry into their private lives, simply watching the battles they participated in transformed. I found strange comfort in the stars, they were like me, knew everything.

But simply couldn't tell a soul.

I must have been lost on my own fantasy world of Asgard when Kim tapped me on the shoulder. I didn't turn to him, I knew who it was, no one else would have noticed me missing this quickly.

"Hey, you ok Tink?", he asked, his voice laced with worry. Without even looking at him I could see his sad and concerned face.


I hadn't heard that nickname in a long time. It was one we used almost constantly, probably more than my real name.

I had called him Hercules for years, both referring to our size and our strange obsession with said Disney movies in our middle school years.

But nicknames like 'Nat' after the Black Widow, and Thor from avengers were also used often.

Mine relating to how I looked small, helpless, and even weak, yet I could have Ivan on the floor in pain in less than two seconds.

His relating more to his ability to somehow know nothing about how to act...on earth or in certain social interactions apparently. Yanno, and his strange obsession with pop tarts.

I smiled and turned to him. "Yeah I'm good", I smirked. "Would you like to dance Hercules?", I kidded.

I reached my hand out for him, no way I was letting him lead. His face flushed a light pink but he took my hand anyway. "Just this once", Kim muttered, a little in disgust.

I laughed and he settled his hands on my waist and mine wrapped around his neck. We swayed back and forth to the distant music.

"Sorry I tried to choke you with my legs earlier", I said, a blank expression gracing my face.

Now it was Kim's turn to start laughing, I laughed with him, still swaying to the music.


I watched from behind a tree, Nino not far from me, Manning the music. My phone pulled out snapping pictures non stop.

Alix and Kim were dancing by the parking lot and I was switching back and forth from pictures to videos trying to see which one looked better.

In the end I decided to videotape them, they looked so cute and it felt good that all my hard work was actually working out.

Kagami was mad that I never responded to her texts though, so I knew I would end up down on the floor, being threatened by her little sword thing she uses in fencing.

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