June 14th

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Today we were bored, so me and Deidara decided to force Kisame and Itachi to have a wedding, like the ones you would have in primary, with toilet paper , daisy chains, mood rings and plastic chairs. We forced Itachi into one of my dresses. It was a black one with cut-off shoulders, a split on either side from the knee down, it finished at my ankles. He was put into brown boots and a red origami flower crown with a draping black veil attached. Kisame wore his cloak, with a belt over the top, the cloak open, underneath a white shirt and black pants, for his shoes, brown work boots. He wore Samehada on his back, with a blue origami flower crown draped around the hilt. 

Deidara started the wedding off by playing Bluebird on the organ, while I sang. Kisame and Itachi had their flower crowns over their eyes, so that the couldn't see each other. We thought it would be romantic that they could only take them off when they kissed and were "officially" married. Once they said their vows, we all threw toilet paper in the air as they kissed awkwardly. Kisame took his "wife" in his arms and laughed. Oh those two. How I ship them so bad. I mean they have a friendship so strong its bromance bordering on gay couple.  

Then Hidan ruined the moment by popping open a bottle of champagne and spraying the "newly-weds" with cheap alcohol. Kisame , Kakuzu and Deidara all ran over and started drinking. Tsk. Me, Itachi and Pain sat at the table drinking red wine, laughing about the days events. Soon I felt tired and me and Pain went to bed. And as I slowly drifted into the momentary escape that is sleep, I felt Pain's arm wrap around me, and with that I collapsed.

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