June 28th

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Today we went out to a party hosted by Tsunade and Jiraiya. They let me invite the rest of the Akatsuki after they promised to not cause issues. When we got there, there were tables piled high with snacks and alcohol. The current Kage and many more important figures in the Shinobi World like Kakashi, Guy and Killer B. Guy was clearly drunk, screaming about youth and beauty. Kakashi was hiding it well if he was drunk, because he seemed normal, only just a little bit more perverted. The Kage sat at a table in the corner, of course, excluding Pain. (The leader of Amegakure is considered a Kage, and Pain in this time-line, is the leader) I went to go talk to Mei, while Pain struck up a conversation with Gaara, who seemed very unhappy that Deidara was here. 

I ended up going to the bar and grabbing a whiskey, wanting to drink away some of the obviousness of the hostility in the air. Gaara got a drink and looked over to me , giving a soft smile. I smiled back, not wanting to seem rude. Pain raised an eyebrow and I walked over to him. "Drunk, I guess." He laughed. I smiled. His laugh was amazing. He slung his arm over my shoulder and kissed the top of my head. I turned to him and gave him a peck on the cheek. I dragged him to the center of the dance floor and spun him around. I giggled as he shook his head, dizzy and ill. He grabbed my hand and we began dancing, he spun me around, then dipped me. He threw me up, and I did a spin and landed in front of him, having plucked a rose from a decor piece on the roof. I handed it to him. I stepped to the side. He stepped to the other. He flipped diagonally to face me, while I fell. He grabbed my waist and hoisted me into the air. I tucked my hand around his arm and spun down, and as my feet touched the ground, he dipped me down and tucked the rose into my hair. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. 

I awoke from my childish daze as I heard a slow clap erupt from the corner, I turned to see Deidara smirking wildly, clapping slowly, taunting me. I instantly erupted into a rage. I jumped towards him and pushed him. As quick as a flash, I was under his falling body. I sent a hard kick to his gut, sending him spiraling. While he tumbled on the ground, I attached a paper bomb to his back. When his back hit the ground, I released it and he flew up. I leapt up and bashed him in the gut, sending him flying away from the party. I floated down and dusted off my hands. Mei came rushing in and lifted my hand like a winner in a boxing match. I smirked and gave Tobi an evil wink. He wailed and ran away, per expected. Jiraiya hoisted onto my shoulders and gloated "That's my daughter!" I laughed and gave a royal wave.

I dragged the drunken boys home, giving them each a bottle of water and leaving them in their rooms. They all just ended up snuggling up with their room-mates, except for Hidan and Kakuzu, who hated each other, and were d--ks when drunk.

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